fuck i hate most my eXs right now... ok, maybe dislike... last year was my first sober new years in 8 years. and now? back to the same old me. single and wondering. fuck the holidays. gosh i'm bitter tonight.
hold. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... mmm tequila. tomorrow my passport crap gets sent in. hell, i've even worked out well for the last two days. yes i'm sore as bullrider's balls but if figured i have about a month before school really gets kicking and i wana get big again. (yes that is a repeat concept that reoccurs every few months)
and did i tell you i'm in love with a stripper? no she doesn't know it yet but i think we should stalk her next week!!!
oh hell yeah who is productive now bitches!!! jk, you people fucking rock!!!
i miss my friends that came down for the holiday. fuck it was nice having those guys around for 12 hours a day. they don't even need to talk me into moving to the big vegas post grad. i'm already there. (figurtively)
but for real, i really do miss them more then i miss anything. after i win the lottery it's me and the boys in one house and the moms next door. they wouldn't have it any other way either. wow...
so whats the plan for the weekend? well that all depends on how drunk i wana get. if i wana stay pretty sober and make it home i'm so going to be chatting a storm up with Stitch and _Rae_. but if the booze starts a calling i'm on that dredded area we call the westside for the 6 kegs and a case of jager. BUT if there is any chance of a chance then, yeah well, both these parties will be without the man. you'd do the same!

i miss my friends that came down for the holiday. fuck it was nice having those guys around for 12 hours a day. they don't even need to talk me into moving to the big vegas post grad. i'm already there. (figurtively)

so whats the plan for the weekend? well that all depends on how drunk i wana get. if i wana stay pretty sober and make it home i'm so going to be chatting a storm up with Stitch and _Rae_. but if the booze starts a calling i'm on that dredded area we call the westside for the 6 kegs and a case of jager. BUT if there is any chance of a chance then, yeah well, both these parties will be without the man. you'd do the same!

We have a bunch of guys that fight. We had 3 on the last ROF card (http://www.rofmma.com/). There are always guys training for their next fight... My standup still sucks, though, so I won't be getting in the ring any time soon. I was taking classes from Cruz Chacon for a while, but between work, school, BJJ, running/lifting, I ran out of time.
I know there are some kids down in NM that roll, though. Miah, for example. You should talk to him about what is available down that way.
Have a fun New Years, bro.