if i pass one class => NEKKID CARTWHEELS!!! if i don't... yeah shit sucks, finals are over and i got wasted last night. haven't seen the girl i was calling the gf in like 5 days and that was for 30 minutes and before that it was 4 days. texted and called her yesterday, no response. i know i shafted like a mad man but i don't think she was for me anyway... yesterday post exam took the boys for some thai. they loved it. yeah i'm cultured. ha ha ha, more like narcissistic or something. i think i'm getting a cold. fuck, i have a love and hate relationship with cold med. anyone wana chill on a couch and hook it up with some chicken soup later?
update: i failed... now waiting till monday to find out how bad i fucked my life up. what do you do when it seems that your life isn't under your own control? when nothing you do, no energy you apply nor effort you use goes toward anything positive. i had but one class to focus on, i did it. and i failed. i can't even cry right now. and i wish i couldn't breath either. ever wished you couldn't breath?

update: i failed... now waiting till monday to find out how bad i fucked my life up. what do you do when it seems that your life isn't under your own control? when nothing you do, no energy you apply nor effort you use goes toward anything positive. i had but one class to focus on, i did it. and i failed. i can't even cry right now. and i wish i couldn't breath either. ever wished you couldn't breath?

what class was it? don't worry, failing is good for you, I've failed math 120 2 times, its the same as algebra 2 in High School.... keep your chin up, it will all work out!