What to say.... It seems I don't really have too much to say to anyone these days. I don't know why. I just have been kind of disassociated with life lately. I went to Vegas on vacation with the gf and some friends and had a pretty good time there but we were only there for like 3 days and there was so much we...
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So, life is way confusing at the moment. I'm with a great girl and we're very serious and looking at houses out in St. Charles. Only I'm feeling very disconnected lately so I don't know what that's all about. All I know is I can't wait to get all my music shit in order so I can get things rolling. That's the only thing that...
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Hi baby!!
Thank you so much for your support on my set in MR!!!!
I really appreciate it!!!
Kisses from Italy!!!!

Thank you so much for your support on my set in MR!!!!

I really appreciate it!!!
Kisses from Italy!!!!

Well, it's been a long time since I last posted anything. I'm on just about everyday, I'm just lazy and never update my shit. I just wanted to take the time to say hi to all my SG friends and say I hope everyone had a good Christmas, or whatever holiday you celebrate, and hope the new year brings you all happiness and good luck....
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ive been good, just hoping my set gets accepted. fingers crossed*
been good... busy paying off debt and all that crap.
should be goo dby the end of the summer, even sooner if my sets get accepted, but i dongt have anough votes to do so. what r u up to?

Well, Nicole and I are back together again. It took some time but we both did some growing and figuring ourselves out and I think it's gonna work this time. I sure hope so because I recently had a moment of clarity and realized what I want and need in life. She's part of that so I hope she and I stay together for good...
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That's really awesome! I'm happy for you bro!

I haven't kept up with this in a while but Nicole and I broke up in March. It just wasn't healthy. It's still not and we're not even together! I just don't know what to do. I want to keep her in my life at least as a friend but I'm slowly finding out that this is just wishful thinking. I don't know.
I'm doing good. How the hell have you been?
I don't really have much to say today. Nicole and I are at a really wierd point in our relationship. I don't even know what's going on. I hope we can just hurry up and get past it all and get back to normal. But maybe what I thought was normal was how we got to where we are now.
Heya Johnnie. I like the "ie"! Thanks for stoppin by to say hey. Love, kisses & boobies.
Well tonight was the first of four RUSH parties. Unfortunately, the weather sucked ass so, being the RISK Chair(security chair), I had to shut it down early because we're responsible if someone gets into an accident leaving our party. Anyway, how has everyone been? Good I hope.
Hey all,
School is rapidly approaching again and, once again, I'm not ready. Oh, and I just wanted to say that Alison from FUSE is hot.
School is rapidly approaching again and, once again, I'm not ready. Oh, and I just wanted to say that Alison from FUSE is hot.
I'm at Marine Reserve drill this weekend. I talked to one of the sergeants in admin and they said it might only be 30-60 days until i'm out. I hope he's right. I've been in for a little over four years and I've had so many problems since, I feel it's time to move on and start a new life. Oh well, I chose to...
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i'm glad you had fun!!

The first pic is Reagan and me, the second is Nixon and me, and the third is Razzi and me.
very hot 

i will try to keep them rollin