nice to know ur good friend goes behind your back and is dating ur ex.

sounds familar. some one i trusted stabbing me in the back for a lousy, loose lay.

wait, cuz it is
boo that shit. want me to beat some bitches up? huh huh? ♥
Hey, I haven't been here for quite a while. Thanks for the add! Do you smell like cookies when you come home from work?
welp, i told sam to completly get out of my life. it wont be easy cuz for teh time we were back together she went behind my back and made friends with everyone of my friends in teh matter of days. so now i cant show to local shows to see my friends without her there being a giant whore.

hopefully she will take a...
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poor kiddo

exes are the worst - especially when they take over your social circle... i wouldn't let her get to you... just do your thing and if your friends are smart they ought to know you are there friend and should have loyalty ties. besides everyone gets whats coming to them and well if she is a dumb bitch karma will knock her on her ass eventually <3
ya hopefully
some IM me at theneildiamond on AIM. im bored. i get off work at 1030 tonight. so ill be on around 11
so anyway. one more boring day then the day off. im going to to Deep ellum in dallas cuz my friends are having a cd release party.
yay im happy
well, its been a few days on this site. its really cool and i like it. still trying to get the hang of it.

so i have absolutly no idea what im doing right now. as far as relationships go. i kinda dont want one but the sex is oging to be missed. frown
oh well
How's the ol' wam bam ty ma'am thing? Most guys aren't really into that anymore but some are... or do you have a buddy that would like to help ya out? tongue
no, not currently, no buddy.