After a week of hellish back and forth on my contract I'm back to work. Yay! Also got to pitch my show to two networks and waiting to hear back. Glad to be working again. The strike was too long and the wait for season two of this show was even longer. Oh, and sadly the Red Sox lost to the Dodgers last night. I...
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Had a great trip to Vancouver. Unfortunately caught a cold on the plane. Draggin' ass to say the least. But gotta rally. Got a pitch practice meeting with the director tomorrow.
Good news all around this week. Finally have official pitch meeting set up at Disney. Time to sell a kids' show!
Second, looks like I'll be back on the Nickelodeon show end of March for a long stint. Lot of episodes ordered for season two. Yay!
It's such a welcome thing after all this forced time off. I missed work.
At the moment I'm enjoying...
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thanks for checking out my latest set!
Okay, so the strike is over, but I still don't know when I'm going back to work. I know I have a job, which is nice, but not knowing when I'm going back to work causes me to continue to stress. There's some reality show bullshit shooting in our space so I think until that's over, we're out. Unless the big boys wanna pay for...
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So there's some action in negotiations. Apparently there's a big meeting this weekend to let us know where things stand. That's a good and possible bad sign. It's good that they've gotten somewhere. It's bad that it could be not worth shit if they come back with a deal as crappy as the DGA's. Why? Because consensus is that the membership (including me) will vote...
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So the Director's Guild of America has reached an agreement with the AMPTP. A strategy move on behalf of the AMPTP since the DGA didn't have to negotiate for another few months and as predicted, they laid down and took it up the ass with what they agreed to. From the key points I've read, they're really getting raped. The only good I see having...
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Word up, homies?
So the strike's still goin' but there's been some progress. After Worldwide Pants and United Artists signed with us a third company jumped on board. The Weinstein Company. This is big. These guys are mega and have produced and distributed some of the best movies over the last ten years. Awesome. Combine that with the Golden Globes being canceled and it's a...
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A Message to the WGA Membership from its Negotiating Committee

As you know, the AMPTP is currently unwilling to bargain with us. The internal dynamics of the AMPTP make it difficult for the conglomerates to reach consensus and negotiate with us on a give and take basis. We believe this multi-employer structure inhibits individual companies from pursuing their self-interest in negotiations. We nonetheless continue to...
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Well, all hope has been lost with the Writer's Strike. As predicted, the AMPTP walked out the other day like a bunch of drama queens. They've decided to write off the rest of this current TV season. So don't plan on seeing anything for a while. This means nothing further is likely to happen until January if we're lucky. By the end of January they...
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