So the Director's Guild of America has reached an agreement with the AMPTP. A strategy move on behalf of the AMPTP since the DGA didn't have to negotiate for another few months and as predicted, they laid down and took it up the ass with what they agreed to. From the key points I've read, they're really getting raped. The only good I see having come of this is that the AMPTP finally agreed to come back to the table and start talking with the Writer's Guild again. But I'll say right now, if the agreement that is reached is as shitty as the DGA's, I won't be voting for it when ballots are cast by the membership. We need to bleed these bastards for more than the DGA did. Otherwise, the rollbacks will take effect and the big companies will get richer while the writers get poorer.
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Saturday Mar 29, 2008
After a week of hellish back and forth on my contract I'm back to wor… -
Wednesday Mar 12, 2008
Had a great trip to Vancouver. Unfortunately caught a cold on the pl… -
Friday Feb 29, 2008
Good news all around this week. Finally have official pitch meeting … -
Wednesday Feb 20, 2008
Okay, so the strike is over, but I still don't know when I'm going ba… -
Tuesday Feb 12, 2008
The writer's strike is over! Whooooo-hoooooo! -
Tuesday Feb 05, 2008
So there's some action in negotiations. Apparently there's a big mee… -
Monday Jan 21, 2008
So the Director's Guild of America has reached an agreement with the … -
Saturday Jan 12, 2008
Word up, homies? So the strike's still goin' but there's been some p… -
Saturday Dec 15, 2007
A Message to the WGA Membership from its Negotiating Committee … -
Saturday Dec 08, 2007
Well, all hope has been lost with the Writer's Strike. As predicted,…