Ok i've spent most of the week pulling my hair out through college paperwork stress and just got an Email from my good freind Dave Pybus (yes that is teh bassist of Cradle of Filth) with his contribution to my college work by having a small interview with me for my journalism and agreed so i now have a lovely interview from Dave in my in box taking 1 less bit of work off my shoulders that needed to be done in the next 2 weeks before i go into hospital for my back.
Speaking of my back, i have been ranting and raving about my back and how much it hurt, after numerous mis-diagnosis from my incompetent doctor who had a visit from the GMC earlier this week, i now have a diagnosis. Slipped Disk pressing on the nerves and trapping it, so i have to go into hospital to have tests and scans to see if they can manipulate the disk back in or have it operated on, i hope it can be manipulated tbh cuz i cant stand needles :'(
Me and James have finally set a date for the wedding as 5th July 2009. We are in the process of hiring the venue and getting the guest list sorted, so my freinds on here will be asked in the next few weeks for addresses to send invites to. I thinm i'm all ready becoming a bit of a bridezilla as i'm going mental over having too much stuff to organise in just over a year, but family's helping out, i have my nan doing the cake, mum and dad are buying my 1500 dress (i cant believe they would spend 1500 on a dress for me!!) i have my bridesmaids page boys and ring bearers, James has his best man and 1 out of 2 ushers though James has an 'its your day, have what you want' complex about it (lets see if he's like that when i force him to pick table linens :p) and it aggrivates me as its bad enough trying to get everything but with him being like that its making my head explode (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgggggghhhh) lol. I have so much picked out but not finalised, dont have a colour for the bridesmaids (red maybe) i have my flowers picked falling lillies with roses i think but i'm unsure of the roses what style of cake, would top hat and tails suit? will the kids behave when its for real, can the registrar make it. ...see my heads gonna explode
Otherwise life is great, sunday is my nans day, the whole family were down barring my mum cuz she was in malta, tbh i think we got the better tan, sat out in the garden 5 small kids playing in the pool and me and my sister drenching each other with the hose and having the dog try and attack us for it :p Dads back is all right he's had all the metal work taken out and is now the (ahem) spring chicken he was (a rather grey spring chicken at that lol)
well i have to finish my wedding spread sheets and get on to the caterers about menues and the venue we're hiring to se if we have to pay in one or installments ect ect...have a good week all! xx
Speaking of my back, i have been ranting and raving about my back and how much it hurt, after numerous mis-diagnosis from my incompetent doctor who had a visit from the GMC earlier this week, i now have a diagnosis. Slipped Disk pressing on the nerves and trapping it, so i have to go into hospital to have tests and scans to see if they can manipulate the disk back in or have it operated on, i hope it can be manipulated tbh cuz i cant stand needles :'(
Me and James have finally set a date for the wedding as 5th July 2009. We are in the process of hiring the venue and getting the guest list sorted, so my freinds on here will be asked in the next few weeks for addresses to send invites to. I thinm i'm all ready becoming a bit of a bridezilla as i'm going mental over having too much stuff to organise in just over a year, but family's helping out, i have my nan doing the cake, mum and dad are buying my 1500 dress (i cant believe they would spend 1500 on a dress for me!!) i have my bridesmaids page boys and ring bearers, James has his best man and 1 out of 2 ushers though James has an 'its your day, have what you want' complex about it (lets see if he's like that when i force him to pick table linens :p) and it aggrivates me as its bad enough trying to get everything but with him being like that its making my head explode (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrgggggghhhh) lol. I have so much picked out but not finalised, dont have a colour for the bridesmaids (red maybe) i have my flowers picked falling lillies with roses i think but i'm unsure of the roses what style of cake, would top hat and tails suit? will the kids behave when its for real, can the registrar make it. ...see my heads gonna explode
Otherwise life is great, sunday is my nans day, the whole family were down barring my mum cuz she was in malta, tbh i think we got the better tan, sat out in the garden 5 small kids playing in the pool and me and my sister drenching each other with the hose and having the dog try and attack us for it :p Dads back is all right he's had all the metal work taken out and is now the (ahem) spring chicken he was (a rather grey spring chicken at that lol)
well i have to finish my wedding spread sheets and get on to the caterers about menues and the venue we're hiring to se if we have to pay in one or installments ect ect...have a good week all! xx
All sounds good lady, good luck with your back 

still interested in that skirt?