Just now a lady phoned on behalf of some disabled basketball players association. I had to turn them down because I"m broke. Also to be honest I couldn't really give a shit about disabled basketball. But I felt bad for the operator phoning hundreds of people on her shift and being turned down. Her paycheck also probably reflects her yes's and no's.
2 yrs ago I could care less, but I've some empathy, from working for 411 for 3 months a couple years ago. by the way; for those of you looking for the number of the pizza place down the block, the person you're talking to is either from Canada (like me) or someone from the philippines,(where the other main office is). good luck
2 yrs ago I could care less, but I've some empathy, from working for 411 for 3 months a couple years ago. by the way; for those of you looking for the number of the pizza place down the block, the person you're talking to is either from Canada (like me) or someone from the philippines,(where the other main office is). good luck
i think the name "coventry" is rather ugly. im trying to go for a sexy, different name. for some reason, i dont like to use ordinary girl names as my alias. i feel like i lose my identity or something.
hi new friend