Listening to 'This is a Long drive for someone with nothing to think about'. Gotta go to work in half an hour. Gotta go to work gotta go to work gotta have a job. My minds been slowing down lately. I'm happy and in love and less confused than some of the past years. blah blah bebah dedah.
More Blogs
Friday Dec 23, 2005
I just don't know what to do with myself -
Thursday Dec 22, 2005
Just now a lady phoned on behalf of some disabled basketball players … -
Thursday Dec 08, 2005
I have to quit cheaping out with milk in my coffee, whenever I pick u… -
Saturday Dec 03, 2005
In the morning light I hold my ashtray tight. -
Saturday Nov 19, 2005
Right now I'm debating wether to stay inside and watch a dvd or keep … -
Sunday Nov 13, 2005
Listening to 'This is a Long drive for someone with nothing to think … -
Friday Nov 11, 2005
Day off with nothing to do. $8 in my bank account, so nowhere worth g… -
Monday Oct 24, 2005
I feel like shit tonight. and i can't sleep.
I hope you dont mind if i add you as a friend?