It's a beautiful sunny day, I have 10 days off from work, and I went to the beach earlier today with my girlfriend and my sister, so I should be in a good mood. But I'm also supposed to be quitting smoking, so I'm fucking grumpy and being a bit of an ass.
gonna go to europe
gonna pack myself a bag
gotta wait for 3 months
bit of a fucking drag
gonna pack myself a bag
gotta wait for 3 months
bit of a fucking drag
Gave my 2weeks notice yesterday, and soon I will be out of retail and starting a new job. good for me.
What's your new job?
Yeah I thought the Paper Thin Walls quote was fitting.
Yesterday I went downtown to get all my passport shit together. a year or so ago I lost it while I was drunk so I had to go to a notary to get him to sign official lost passport papers and to be my guarantor beause I don't know any doctors or lawyers or official people who could sign it for me. Anyway while downtown...
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I've never listened to Massacre, I always think about them because they seem cool but never remember them when I'm in a music store.
I listened to Cold to the Touch and really liked it. That is totally my kind of music.
3rd day home from work, I"ve never been so sick, I have never vomited so frequently, I hope it's almost over, I'm feeling a bit better today, but not ready for work.

Well don't push yourself, I mean its only work...
slowly losing my mind
Its ok I know that feeling, it sucks its like losing your keys except when you lose your mind you don't know that you need keys.

Spring finaly feels like its here. We even went for a mountaintop picnic today. I'm in the mood for some hitting and catching. and some skating. or some hiking. let the sun shine in.
I know what you mean its been really rainy the last week but how great is that! I have worn flip flops everyday for that 3 weeks.
It isn't to bad but when you first get it, it seems that every little wiggle and face scrunch makes you sneeze.
those bird tattoos are awesome.
It's a perfect sunny day and I'm about to walk downtown with somnia to hopefully get tattooed or at least make an appointment for tomorrow. Then get some coffee and lunch and enjoy this beautiful day.
...thinking about dirt roads, sitting by lakes and walking thru the woods.
Go for a walk. That's what I do. Probably more often than I should.
It's nice though. I love walks, but I'm not a huge fan of the outdoors.. Weird.
I just need to find a huge, massive, gigantic house and walk around in it all day.
It's nice though. I love walks, but I'm not a huge fan of the outdoors.. Weird.
I just need to find a huge, massive, gigantic house and walk around in it all day.
Is it still snowy up there? I know that feeling it's starting to defrost out here in ND so I am getting that same urge.