On 11 day streak. I am something like 20% "fluent" in German and Swedish. I found some dual text children's books that are pretty cool. Still having a lot of fun with it. Need to find people to practice with.
3% fluent in #swedish woo hoo.
Finished "Juliette Society" today. Pretty friggin' good.
Started this "Vex, Hex, Smash, Smooch: Let Verbs Power Your Writing" So far well written and entertaining.
Made fajitas, replaced my library card and worked on my #Swedish on duolingo. Learning a language is really fun and very frustrating. Trying to stay motivated. Also, going to refresh my #German. Duolingo has no Chinese for now but it does have Welsh which I am also very interested in.
Pathfinder tomorrow with friends and I may make beans with ham hocks and cornbread for...
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Reading Sasha Grey's Juliette Society. It is really surprising. She has a very conversational writing style that is really refreshing. It really feels like the narrator is actually confiding in you. It is also surprisingly funny and touching. If anyone else is reading this or has read it I would love to discuss.
96% on my test.
Birthday dinner tomorrow.
Get together on Sunday with SG peeps.
This week started good and is lookin' up.
Test tomorrow on structured cabling, part of my Low Energy Electrician's Apprenticeship. Hoping to make it to the Seattle SG hangout on Sunday.
Started watching "Community" per a friend's recommendation and it is amazing. I have laughed so hard and been choked up a few times.
I am in the process of moving the last of my crap to the new apartment in Tacoma.
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one of the sexiest pics I have ever seen.
Weird week so far. Had minor surgery, first time in my life and still a little freaked out. Girly is still sick and I am stressed about upcoming move to Redmond.
But overall I am in a good place. Like my job and get to run some Descent this weekend.
Back to SG after a long hiatus. Missed you guys. If any of you remember GreyMauser say hello. Couldn't find old credentials so I am back to.