I hate this last week at CD Trader. I want to go full time at Jive Time NOW. It's like the difference between working at a McDonalds and a 5-Star restaurant. My friend Amys in town till tomorrow but I don't know what to do with her, as she's not 21. I'm DJing in the 10th at a huge party that my friend Alejandro is...
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Nevermind. Saw Her. She's lovely. Can't wait to see her with a facelift too.

*tips hat*
Thanks. wink Facelift should be done very very soon...
I start work at Jive Time on Thursday. I'm only going to work one day a week for the next two weeks until my time is up at CD Trader (ugh). I'm so happy to go to work for a real record store where people who shop there actually know a thing about music. It's on Fremont just up the street from Sonic Boom. Cute...
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what about cheap, drunk sex? that always seems to help me. wink

i don't even know where the seawolf is, and karaoke holds no fascination for me. although hanging out with gay boys seems to be all i ever do anymore. oh, and hang out on sg. tongue
My two good friends who are gay are always going out to drink, so I go with them a lot. We don't go to Gay Bars though. 'Cept for Seawolf for Karaoke. It's right around the corner from Chop Sueys on 14th and Madison. I'm a really big Linda's and Cha Cha kinda guy.
I had 90% of the outline for my right sleeve done today. I am sore as all hell. It's a Siamese cat (all Japanese style) that curls around my arm with various flowers and water surrounding it. Hard to describe, but very very very beautiful.
d'you ever go to the baltic room during happy hour on wednesdays? they play brit pop. i go sometimes to see some friends of mine.

if you see a girl with orange and brown hair, say hello. oh wait, you hang with the cool kids... wink
It's not horribly detailed, most of it is taken up by the cat, I don't know...I'm ok now, it was just the initial day always gets me. I had something for the pain, it was called Vicadin and gin. You live up here, don't you Echo? Are you on the Hill or another part?

The Baltic Room hasn't had Brit-Pop in a long long long time. The people who do that do it at Chop Suey's on Wednesday nights now. I know the girl who runs it, she's rather nice, but it's more of an "international" pop night now. I sometimes go there if I'm really bored. But karaoke at the Comet or Seawolf is much funner. The Seawolf is kinda creepy though sometimes as some of the guys in there don't get that I'm not gay and they can get a little touchy sometimes.