Can't decide whether to go out tonight or not. Like it'll get me anywhere. We'll see. I wish they were having Parklife at Chop Suey tonight. I want to go see April, this girl who bartends there, but I'll be damned if I'm going there by myself. Maybe she'll stop in to my work tomorrow. When I met her last week, she twice asked me what days I worked. That on top of all the drinks she bought me would point toward some sort of flirtation. I want to see if she'll go see Morrissey with me tomorrow, as I have this extra ticket now. I have lots of people I could give it to, but we'll see...
It would be, but you know, I have a huge crush on you and it's being compromised by this tremendous level of jealousy, can you please be kind to my fragile heart and just tell me, my love? *mwah*
As my ex, Amity, used to say "'tanks 'bout dat!"