Howdy Ho SG friends!
First off, as always, a big thank you to those kind souls who commented on my last blog. Having friends like you makes the world a better place! :)
I hope you're all having a great 2015 so far...
I finally got a date for surgery, I'm being admitted to the hospital in Aberdeen on 27th January. I'm guessing the surgery won't be done on the 27th, as admittance is at 4pm, so surgery will most likely be on the 28th.
I'm trying to be optimistic and am hoping the surgery might help relieve the pain but at the same time I'm really anxious about it because the surgeon's not sure what exactly the surgery will entail. He won't know for sure until he's opened me up and had a look.
Apart from worrying about surgery, things are okay. Spending much of my time knitting and I'm currently working on a scarf/hoodie.
Having a family outing soon, as we're treating Mum to a bar supper on Monday, for her Birthday. This month's film quiz is on Tuesday and I have my first therapy session of the year on Friday. This week is turning out to be the busiest week I've had in ages! :)
Not much else to report, as the weather's been lousy here and I haven't been out much. Spent the past week catching up on Hannibal, since the third season will be airing spring/early summer this year. :)
Before I go, the following beautiful ladies could do with some more love:
That's all for now, "live long and prosper" SG friends