Howdy Ho SG friends!
Sorry for the delay between blogs, I've been waiting until I had something worth blogging about...
Went to Aberdeen for my consultation with the urologist last week, it went fairly well. After some discussion he agreed that my only remaining option was to try surgery. He also agreed to perform the operation but said he wouldn't be sure if he was going to remove the epididimus or the whole testicle. This is because he has no way of knowing whether the cysts are just on the epididimus or spread over the testicle (which would mean removing the epididimus alone wouldn't solve the pain), the only way he can know for sure is to open me up and have a look before commencing surgery.
This freaked me out a little, because it means I won't know what he's going to do until post surgery. It reminded me of the botched IVF operation which turned out to be much more invasive than planned, although at least the urologist told me in advance this time. He said there's a 50/50 chance of surgery successfully relieving the pain and he also said it might feel better for a few weeks and then the pain could return permanently.
It's a risk I have to take though, because I can't suffer this pain much longer and I'd rather try it than carry on without trying surgery.
When I asked about potential Hormone Replacement risks if he did have to remove the whole testicle, I got the most positive news I'd heard in ages. He seemed to think that my right testicle (although it's not fully grown) might produce enough testosterone so I wouldn't need HRT... I guess time will tell though (if he does have to remove the left testicle), but it's nice to have a glimmer of hope after all these years. :)
In other news, therapy's going well and my therapist has an idea for an exercise in tomorrow's session. :)
Apart from that, there's not much else to report. I've spent most of my time knitting, as I'm working on things that can be Christmas presents for family. I did have a small break from knitting the other week and had a brief forray in cross stitching.
Here's a Christmas tree decoration I made, it was a free gift with a magazine and it's my first cross stitching project. :)
And here's my second project, a Celtic butterfly.
Before I go, the following beautiful ladies could do with more love:
"That's all folks", until next time. " Live long and prosper" SG friends.