Howdy Ho SG friends!
First off (as always), a big thanks to those kind souls who left support on my last blog. You're awesome people and your support means more than you know. *hugs*
Nothing much worth blogging about this time, as I'm still in hermit mode.
I was actually looking forward to my therapy session on Friday, until I got a phone call this morning. My appointment's been canceled because my therapist has flu (which is fair enough, no-one can help being ill), but it turns out he's off next week, so my next therapy session won't be until the 21st.
Just when I thought I was going to get more regular sessions. I should have known something would come up, as my luck is pretty bad at best. :(
Apart from that, I have no real news...
Been pretty sore this week, so I haven't been out much. When I'm this sore I don't want to go anywhere or do anything because everything makes me even more sore. Roll on 3rd December, when I have my consultation with the urologist regarding surgery. I know I won't get an appointment for surgery until a few months after the consultation, but at least I'll know things have been set in motion.
I've spent most of my time knitting, I finished a scarf yesterday and got started on a different scarf, which I made good progress on today. Unfortunately I don't have any more pictures of my work at the moment, as I still haven't been taught how to sew the ends in, so I have a backlog of projects that need their ends sewing in before I can take pictures of them. Will hopefully get them finished and photographed in the near future, so I can share the pictures with you lovely people. :)
The next film quiz is on Tuesday 11th, so at least there's something to look forward to next week.
That's all my news for now, but before I go, the following beautiful ladies deserve more love:
"That's all folks", until next time, " live long and prosper" SG friends. :)