Howdy Ho SG friends!
Sorry for the delay between blogs, life isn't very exciting when you're unemployed and depressed.
Still no word about therapy, but I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow (to review my progress on sertraline, and hopefully get another month's supply), so I will ask my doctor to chase up the referral, (I was on a 6 month waiting list for therapy) as it's been around 7 months now with no word (Not even a letter to confirm that I'm on the waiting list - which I allegedly should have got a few months ago).
Also, I finally bit the bullet and asked my doctor to refer me for surgery. I've had this pain for nearly four years now (off and on), and can't face it much longer. It will be a few months at least before I hear from the specialist, but at least the wheels are in motion. :)
It's not all doom and gloom though, as sertraline has had a positive effect on me (besides helping my depression/anxiety) - it's reduced my appetite. I'm eating a lot less than I was before, and as a result my belly is continually shrinking. I can fit into 34" waist jeans again, and now even they are a little bit loose. I had to make another new notch on my belt today, and I also managed to fit into a t-shirt I'd only worn twice before. I was so big back then that the t-shirt looked as if it had been sprayed on. I shit you not, that t-shirt made me look like I was 8 months pregnant! Anyways, the t-shirt in question is now quite loose on me, so yay!! :)
I'm hoping that surgery helps get rid of the pain, so that I can start exercising. I'd like to be more toned, but for the moment I have to make do with losing weight alone. As it is right now, I'm doing well by just eating less, considering I sit on my arse most days. Haven't weighed myself in ages though, so I don't know how well I'm actually doing. Might pluck up courage and check myself on the Wii Fit (haven't used the Wii in ages, not since we got the PS3 a couple of years ago. Lol!)... :)
Apart from that, there's not much else to report.
Saw The Winter Soldier the other week, which was amazing. A must see film for Marvel fans! Saw The Love Punch today, which was hilarious. Going to see Amazing Spider-man 2 tomorrow and looking forward to X Men: Days of Future Past at the end of the month. :)
As for knitting, I made another shawl (the same pattern as the one I made for my wife, which is viewable here in my photos). I hope to try and sell the shawl at local craft fairs, if no success there I might try on Etsy. I also made a satchel/laptop bag (haven't got around to taking a photo of that yet, to share here) and I'm currently working on another cushion. I've used the same number of stitches as for the other cushion I made, but I'm using the shawl pattern to make the cushion, so it should be kind of unique...
That's all for now folks, hope you're all doing well.
Hope your week isn't too stressful and hope you have a great weekend! *hugs*