First of all, thanks as always for the sweet remarks on my last blog and I'm glad my name change has met with approval. Love you guys!
Well it's been a fairly quiet week at work, with the optician being away in Inverness for a training course for most of the week. Been pretty quiet at work and spent most of my time twiddling my thumbs as there's been not much work for me to do.
Had plenty of time for singing along at my desk to songs on my playlist, they included:
Studying's gone well this week, managed to get my presentation made and uploaded last night. Or so I thought... One of the guys on the course sent me a message on the tutor group forum saying that it had uploaded as a jpeg and there was no video. D'oh!!
The presentations were made using Picassa and Audacity (to add a soundtrack) and the coursework told us everything we needed to know, except how to copy the file from Picassa to our folder so that we could upload it in sharespace for the tutor and other students to view. D'oh!!
I realise now that my first attempt at copying the file resulted in me just copying the title page and not the video.
Managed to work out how to export the video eventually, as this was my first time using Picasa.
Had to get in touch with my tutor to ask her to delete that so that I can re-upload the presentation, so I'm waiting on her response.
I think I'm going to need the "What made you an idiot today?" thread from the SGScotland group all to myself!
In homelife news, we appear to have inherited a kitten. He's been hanging around our garden for over a month now and the wife took pity on him as we didn't know who his owners were. She started to feed him using the leftover catfood we had after our cat passed away at New Year (R.I.P. Holly, we still miss you!). He didn't appear to have anywhere to go at night either, and luckily enough we had a loose bit of wood at the bottom of our coalshed. We removed a section, so he could get in and sleep in there and be protected from the elements. Shortly after that, he started to come into our house whenever we let our dog out and he kept wandering around the house as if to say "I could live here.". He's not phased by our dog at all and keeps wanting to play with him, which is kinda sweet as our dog is still pretty scared of cats after Holly put him in his place and would scratch him any chance she got.
It turns out that he's next door's kitten and doesn't go in their house as they've got 3-4 Huskies and one of them picked him up in his mouth, he didn't bite him but he nearly broke the kitten's neck. The kitten's been too scared to return since and has been roaming the street since.
I had a chance to speak to our neighbour this evening and said that their kitten was spending his time at our house. The neighbour was relieved and so I said the kitten had kinda adopted us and seemed to want to live with us. Our neighbour said that was fine with him as long as it was ok with us, as they'd been worried their kitten was having to sleep outside in all weathers.
So it's been a happy ending for all, as we'd been debating getting a kitten for a while as we were missing having a cat around the house. Next problem is choosing a name for him, as we can't agree on what to call him.
My laptop's still running SG at a snail's pace, which is worrying as it's the site I'm on most frequently, it's been this way for almost a week now and I'm getting pretty frustrated at how long it takes to view a set or upload anything.
I've made a video of me singing/murdering a decent song (depends which way you look at it) and I'm considering uploading the video but I can't work out how to upload a video. Any advice would be great.
That's about all the news for this week, looking forward to a lazy weekend and will hopefully get my presentation re-uploaded too.
Hope you all have a splendid weekend and for those working over the weekend, I hope it's not too stressful.
I'll close this blog with some cosplay pics for a change. I know MutantBaby1 will love these and I apologise in advance to JackRabbit_ for the Star Wars pics, they'll be giving Juggalosic ideas.
Also, don't forget about these gorgeous ladies with sets in member review who need more love. Drop by and give them some love.