Happy Turkey Day everyone. This Thanksgiving i'm thankful for good music, great weed, amazing sex, internet porn, friends with benefits and all the freaky dikies of the world, lol. But on the realzies, thankful for a good job in this shitty economy, great friends that would have my back in any situation. Good health, a roof over my head, all the people that have touched and inspired my journey through life. Family and my amazing, smart, beautiful, healthy little princess. For whom without it's hard telling where i would be right now. But to quote the person whom had the biggest impact on my life and lost his way to soon, "Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored every step of the way. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift, that's why we call it the present". R.I.P. Bro, you are gone but never forgotten. I'll see you on the other side. Scoot 1977-2000.
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving