An interesting weekend... I spend Sunday cleaning, laundry, shit like that and then just relaxed and read. I need to get a good chair for the deck my apartment has so I can lay out and read... so much better than laying on the floor in the sun.
Skarlet and I met up and had planned to tour a bit of north Seattle, yet all we did was have lunch at a great place in Wallingford dist. and then go into a food coma as the weather was great so we just chilled and relaxed with very little exploration.
The next week or two is going to be busy as I have to help with what I can at work for a bunch of new stores opening so a bit crazy. We'll see...
Skarlet and I met up and had planned to tour a bit of north Seattle, yet all we did was have lunch at a great place in Wallingford dist. and then go into a food coma as the weather was great so we just chilled and relaxed with very little exploration.
The next week or two is going to be busy as I have to help with what I can at work for a bunch of new stores opening so a bit crazy. We'll see...