Well, I'm starting to adapt being on my own though it is an interesting adjustment. I'm going to be getting tickets to see Catch 22 in July, which should be a good show. I've not seen them for almsot 3 years... since I took Danielle out to see them, Homegrown, Mest, and Madcap. *sigh* that was a long time ago and boy was I VERY different then. I still sometimes think about her too, what might have been, what I could have done different. Pointless I know but meh...
I've been reading alot more, which is exciting as I didn't have much time to in Cali... I do reccoment Suicide Cassanova to those who happen to read this... dark, witty, and raw... Arthur Nersesians shit is amazing.
I've been reading alot more, which is exciting as I didn't have much time to in Cali... I do reccoment Suicide Cassanova to those who happen to read this... dark, witty, and raw... Arthur Nersesians shit is amazing.