So I'm back from Seattle and I've been tagged... so before the wonderful 20 things about me... here is an update on the job front.
Interviews were today... a formal panel interview with 4 people... went well... good vibes from it. An informal interview with a person at corporate that I had worked with almost a year ago. Good thing is he remembered me... and even better he has been promoted to a position of power... so a good word from him can't hurt.
Seattle was cool... in the little bit I got to see of it... hell I landed there at 8:30 pm Thursday and flew out at 5:15 Friday... lol
Now for the 20 things you few people who read this get to learn about me.
1: I was named after a television actor. First and last name are the same. Eric Fleming was the lead actor on the TV show Rawhide, most famous for starting Clint Eastwood career. So up... that is my name same as the actor.
2: My initials are ELF... but my middle name will not be revealed in these 20 facts.
(oy... thinking beyond these two is a pain)
3: I have a pet bird, named Thor... he is a cockatiel but I taught him to quack like a duck... so my bird has an identity crisis.
4: I saw Pink Floyd (well the 3 member version) live in 1994... I was 11 years old... what kind of father brings an 11 year old to a Floyd show... HAHA
(if I reach 20 this will be an acomplishment, I usualy don't like to talk about myself)
5: My earliest memory in life are when I was 2 years old... I was sitting on the steps of the aparment we were moving out of and a friend of my fathers, this HUGE (like 6'7") guy was eating goldfish crackers and tossing them in the air and catching them in his mouth and I tried to do that and couldn't and crackers got all over the stairs.
6: I had braces, for about 4 years...
7: I played the trumpet for about 10 years (still have 2 in my closet... that I should play again). I prefered to play challenging classical pieces rather than jazz as my technical skills are better than my improv in music.
(so far so good... but having to rack my brain)
8: I am a self confessed nerd sometimes and I do have a LvL 60 character in WoW, on the Boulderfist server... *sigh* and I'm on few times a week... Posh Suicide can relate to me on this one
9: My best friend is a person who I've never met, we met randomly because of an online soccer game we were playing and we were both listening to the same band. He lives in Hong Kong right now, is from Brazil, lived in the US, England (where he went to university), NZ and now in Hong Kong... I've known him for about eh... 3 years now.
10: I very rarely remember my dreams... but when I do they are very vivid and odd... I've had 2 that I remember recenetly... one I understand the meanings of... the other... I have no clue and it bothers me.
11: I read War and Peace all the way through. I wasn't very impressed though... I prefered epic works like The Octopus and Satanic Verses to Tolstoy.
(over half way there!)
12: On my wall is a picture of George Washington... what makes this special you ask... it is made out of dominos!
13: My grandfather (on my fathers side) played jazz in New Orleans with Louis Prima. Louis Prima is famous for being the voice of King Louie in The Junglebook (the disney version) and for writing tunes like Jump Jive and Wail.
14: The last 4 numbers for my cell phone spell LUFC after the football (soccer to you americans) club that I support hardcore in England... Leeds United Football Club!
15: The last movie I saw in the theater was Alien (The Director's Cut)... as you can see I don't go to the cinema much as that was atleast 2 years ago!
(75% done, are you bored yet?)
16: My favorite TV show as a kid was Get Smart... I loved it on Nick at Night.
17: I have never been drunk in my life or even came close... I've had alchohol about 5 times in my life, no beers... just hard liquer... and only in a single shot.
18: Legos were my favorite toy as a kid... Castle and Pirate legos kick ass!
19: I actually hate having my photo taken... I'm usually very self concious...the photo here was from a crazy night out in San Fran with some friends....
(one last one!!)
20: I have a fear of blood... massive fear... liek if you bleed around me I may pass out so don't expect first aid. When I was a child a vein collapsed in my throat, after massive internal bleeding and vomiting blood I almost bled to death... a couple of emergeny throat surgeries later I was fine... but I've seen enough blood in my life to last forever.
There it is you know more about me now then you did before... blame Velvet_Suicide for this.
Alas all the friends Ihave here h ave been tagged... so I'm not passing this one on to random people...
Anyways... I"m tired after my flight home from Seattle and trying to come up with 20 things... keep your fingers crossed for me!
Interviews were today... a formal panel interview with 4 people... went well... good vibes from it. An informal interview with a person at corporate that I had worked with almost a year ago. Good thing is he remembered me... and even better he has been promoted to a position of power... so a good word from him can't hurt.
Seattle was cool... in the little bit I got to see of it... hell I landed there at 8:30 pm Thursday and flew out at 5:15 Friday... lol
Now for the 20 things you few people who read this get to learn about me.
1: I was named after a television actor. First and last name are the same. Eric Fleming was the lead actor on the TV show Rawhide, most famous for starting Clint Eastwood career. So up... that is my name same as the actor.
2: My initials are ELF... but my middle name will not be revealed in these 20 facts.
(oy... thinking beyond these two is a pain)
3: I have a pet bird, named Thor... he is a cockatiel but I taught him to quack like a duck... so my bird has an identity crisis.
4: I saw Pink Floyd (well the 3 member version) live in 1994... I was 11 years old... what kind of father brings an 11 year old to a Floyd show... HAHA
(if I reach 20 this will be an acomplishment, I usualy don't like to talk about myself)
5: My earliest memory in life are when I was 2 years old... I was sitting on the steps of the aparment we were moving out of and a friend of my fathers, this HUGE (like 6'7") guy was eating goldfish crackers and tossing them in the air and catching them in his mouth and I tried to do that and couldn't and crackers got all over the stairs.
6: I had braces, for about 4 years...
7: I played the trumpet for about 10 years (still have 2 in my closet... that I should play again). I prefered to play challenging classical pieces rather than jazz as my technical skills are better than my improv in music.
(so far so good... but having to rack my brain)
8: I am a self confessed nerd sometimes and I do have a LvL 60 character in WoW, on the Boulderfist server... *sigh* and I'm on few times a week... Posh Suicide can relate to me on this one

9: My best friend is a person who I've never met, we met randomly because of an online soccer game we were playing and we were both listening to the same band. He lives in Hong Kong right now, is from Brazil, lived in the US, England (where he went to university), NZ and now in Hong Kong... I've known him for about eh... 3 years now.
10: I very rarely remember my dreams... but when I do they are very vivid and odd... I've had 2 that I remember recenetly... one I understand the meanings of... the other... I have no clue and it bothers me.
11: I read War and Peace all the way through. I wasn't very impressed though... I prefered epic works like The Octopus and Satanic Verses to Tolstoy.
(over half way there!)
12: On my wall is a picture of George Washington... what makes this special you ask... it is made out of dominos!
13: My grandfather (on my fathers side) played jazz in New Orleans with Louis Prima. Louis Prima is famous for being the voice of King Louie in The Junglebook (the disney version) and for writing tunes like Jump Jive and Wail.
14: The last 4 numbers for my cell phone spell LUFC after the football (soccer to you americans) club that I support hardcore in England... Leeds United Football Club!
15: The last movie I saw in the theater was Alien (The Director's Cut)... as you can see I don't go to the cinema much as that was atleast 2 years ago!
(75% done, are you bored yet?)
16: My favorite TV show as a kid was Get Smart... I loved it on Nick at Night.
17: I have never been drunk in my life or even came close... I've had alchohol about 5 times in my life, no beers... just hard liquer... and only in a single shot.
18: Legos were my favorite toy as a kid... Castle and Pirate legos kick ass!
19: I actually hate having my photo taken... I'm usually very self concious...the photo here was from a crazy night out in San Fran with some friends....
(one last one!!)
20: I have a fear of blood... massive fear... liek if you bleed around me I may pass out so don't expect first aid. When I was a child a vein collapsed in my throat, after massive internal bleeding and vomiting blood I almost bled to death... a couple of emergeny throat surgeries later I was fine... but I've seen enough blood in my life to last forever.
There it is you know more about me now then you did before... blame Velvet_Suicide for this.
Alas all the friends Ihave here h ave been tagged... so I'm not passing this one on to random people...
Anyways... I"m tired after my flight home from Seattle and trying to come up with 20 things... keep your fingers crossed for me!
i know that things will get back to normal at some point - even if it's a completley different normal to what i've been used to in the past.