well I havent updated in awhile mainly because jack shit has happened... my leg is asleep still, the rest of the pain has slowly increased as always, my doctor(anoter new one) didnt pay any attention to what I said in his office, stupid office has a rapid turnover rate... in the last 3 years they have switched me between 6 doctors... ohh well, atleast i convinced him to get me another appointment with the surgon, atleast she listens to what i have to say...
Sorry but I dont have a new story today, but feel free to check through my past entrys for the storys in them, if you ask me nicely I might append them all to the end of this entry, but I dont think that enough of you will respond to make the effort worth it.
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storys and poems
Sorry but I dont have a new story today, but feel free to check through my past entrys for the storys in them, if you ask me nicely I might append them all to the end of this entry, but I dont think that enough of you will respond to make the effort worth it.

storys and poems
keep the faith