damn my life, friday night i was supposed to go to the huge mardi-gras party at a club here in town, and there was a desent chance that i wouldnt have gone home alone too, but then i get a call from my brothers wife, she is having a bad day and needs someone to talk to because my bro was at work, so what did i do, i went over there and let her cry on my shoulder for an hour or so, then my neice decided to start screaming constantly despite a clean diaper and a warm bottle, and when i picked her up she felt hot, so we took her temp and it turned out she had a fever, then her brother decided to throw a temper tantrum because we were paying attention to her not him,when we finally got ahold of my brother to tell him that she was going to take my neice in to the er, he told her he would meet her there, so i sat at their house watching my nephue so they didnt have to drag him along while he was throwing a tantrum, so from about 10 till 1130 we sat watching cartoons then his b-grandma stoped by to take him for the nighthaving nothing else to do i picked up after his tantrum, when they got back from the er around 1 they told me she had a virus and the doc gave them some meds for her, while we were talking my brothers wife gave me a back rub because my back is constantly knotted up from the bad hip, she actually got it to crack so i felt a lot better, after a bit i headed home and passed out for 39 hours, so now im laying here stiff from not moving and having had annoying dreams about things from my past i would rather forget
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storys and poems
It is ALWAYS wonderful to hear from those you know when you need to hear ANYTHING...Just as long as it has the right Energies...But even more...I enjoy hearing from people I do not quite know yet....and I have gotten a comment from you before...I Know who you are...but now, You have been not only real and down to earth enough to not only allow your words to lighten My mental Mess...But, You have also made A Horror Queen Smile...
Thanks Again Loonie...and If you want to give a go to being Fiends...I welcome it with Open Arms...
Just put those babies (The Swords) down first....
Thanks Doll...I appreciate your sentiments...I am not going to be updating often...so that means I prolly wont be commenting just as often...but I figure by next weekend...I should be Fried Gold...
Thank You....