every time I plan to get this damn tattoo done something comes up... today i woke up sick and was unable to get outta bed all day, by the time I felt human it was too late fer me even to call my tattoo artist to see if he could stop by on his way home. And then because of a glitch in my webserver when my dad goes to load a website I'm hosting he gets my personal page and finds out just what it is that I write... oops... anyone know of a good webserver software? and some drugs to erase my dads last days memory? I rather liked him thinking I was becoming a "sane" person, it made slipping off to have fun much easier, after all when you say your going to help your brothers wife with the kids for a bit no one asks questions so slipping out to the stripclub is easy. ohh well I didnt expect to keep my talents hidden long. On a more annoying note my next story will be delayed do to my computer crashing and me losing most of what I had written... frigging autosave was turned off for some reason... ahh well thats life. One of my friends said she ight be able to hook me up with a blind date soon, so we'll see how that goes, I personaly expect to get stood up, after all thats what normally happens to me
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My Poems and Stories
every time I plan to get this damn tattoo done something comes up... today i woke up sick and was unable to get outta bed all day, by the time I felt human it was too late fer me even to call my tattoo artist to see if he could stop by on his way home. And then because of a glitch in my webserver when my dad goes to load a website I'm hosting he gets my personal page and finds out just what it is that I write... oops... anyone know of a good webserver software? and some drugs to erase my dads last days memory? I rather liked him thinking I was becoming a "sane" person, it made slipping off to have fun much easier, after all when you say your going to help your brothers wife with the kids for a bit no one asks questions so slipping out to the stripclub is easy. ohh well I didnt expect to keep my talents hidden long. On a more annoying note my next story will be delayed do to my computer crashing and me losing most of what I had written... frigging autosave was turned off for some reason... ahh well thats life. One of my friends said she ight be able to hook me up with a blind date soon, so we'll see how that goes, I personaly expect to get stood up, after all thats what normally happens to me
My Webpage
My Poems and Stories
good luck on the blind date don't self prophesize about being stood up though. Yeah i'm just going to act normal I was having a bad day that day so screw it.
yeah, i love my kitty. he's darling