Well hello!!? I have returned and apparently for free. This has caught me quite off guard but someone has reactivated my account for me. Thanks so much! I have no idea who it could have done it for me, but I couldn't refuse an offer to rejoin such a lovely site. Reveal yourself now to get the prize!!! If not it is going to bug the ever living hell out of me so let me know who you are, ok?
Anyway I suppose some updates are needed because it has been over a year since I've been on this site. And, well, someone wanted to know so here ya go:
First off I am no longer living in Philly
After a long struggle financially I had to move back to the midwest in order to survive. It was such a drag but it was what needed to be done. It'l be a year since I've moved back in a couple of months or so. I miss it there a lot to be honest but I have moved on since then. My life has changed so much since then I really dont see myself moving back to Philly again. Lots of bad memories and burt bridges 
After I moved back I was quite depressed for a couple of months. I got a factory job for a while which just made things more miserable. I had to go through bankruptcy to get out of my financial mess. And plus I hate winter and where I was living gets some of the worst ones in the country. Blaaaaah
I got over it though so no worries!!!
Around Christmas times things kind of hit rock bottom and from there I could only go up, and go up I did indeed. Since I could never get into a good standing to follow my dreams in Philly I decided to work on them here. First thing I did though was to get my shit together:
I quit smoking. (7 months without one now!)
I fixed all of my money issues. (Bankruptcy and worked a lot)
I fixed my head by really getting into meditating and Buddhism. (Cleared my mind right up so I could focus on whats important)
I started exercising and got into great shape! Started eating more healthy too.
And in general my whole personality changed from my experiences.
Ok now to the really good stuff....
I channeled all of that bad energy I had build up into a story. And after a couple of months of really hard work I turned that story into a screenplay. And then I decided to put all of my energy into bringing that film to life. And I did just that. Well technically its not finished but I have made my first film finally!!!! I have worked on other projects before but never anything professional and never anything all on my own. Anyway I must get to telling you about the movie, here this will help:

This is a contemporary film noir about a young man and his dream of becoming a hitman for the mafia. This dream turns into a nightmare with disastrous consequences! Out casted as someone that is different, the man goes on a rampage of anger against anyone and everyone in his path. We meet him while he is on the brink of madness as he goes on a journey to a find better life. One fateful night he decides to stop in a small town bar for a drink. Unbeknownst to all; this night will not end without murder.
Exciting, huh? So I finally pulled it off, I'm a filmmaker. We just wrapped on principal photography and are in post-production. The film should be finished in about six weeks and it will be released at the begining of next year. I'm going on a festival run, hopefully the big ones, and I'm also having a local theatrical run, plus distribution. This is a very exciting thing for me.
Also, in order to produce the film properly and to gain creadiblity I started up a production company! Now that the film is wrapped it has become a fully functional production company with employees and alll. We have about 5 music videos and a couple commercials lined up within the next two months. Plus we are working on developing a webseries and I'm working on the script for a feature length film! Its been a lot of fun putting it all together and I have a great team working for me. Check it out:

Little Death Productions Website
I suck at updating the website but check it out. Oh and if you are on facebook make sure to fan the movie's page! You'll get all the updates on the film and where its playing, plus all the details and plenty of swag. Heres the link:
Fedora Facebook Page
I have already bought a couple dot com sites for the company and the film but I haven't had the time to find a web designer to build them yet. I'll keep you posted on that.
Ok so that whole story is much, much longer but I'll spare the details. Suffice to say my life is definitely on track and headed in a great direction! Making the film and starting the company has been my whole life for quite awhile now so there isn't much else to update you on. I'm super happy these days and things are going my way for once. I haven't even had time to date, not that I have anyone in mind to date, so I'm single yet again but I have no intention of changing that for once., but who knows.
Oh and in less than savory news: My nephew has been in terrible condtition. He was admited to the children's hospital in minnesota last saturday and has been in criticle care ever since. Basically his brain started bleeding in several locations and they still dont know why. He is 16 years old and was perfectly healthy up to this point. He is hooked up to like 20 machines just to keep him alive. I have been up there a lot the past week and my brother is quite a mess about it. Today we finally had some good news at least, and that is that he is going to live! That was even unexpected but its great to hear that. More than likely he will be crippled to some extent for the rest of his life.
My family is in turmoil at this point and I've really worked my hardest to be there for everyone. I hope it all works out... I'll keep you posted on that.
Anyway another long busy day tomorrow so I'll end it there for now. I don't get much free time these days but hopefully I'll get a chance to get on here and get reacquainted with you all! Especially with whoever was nice enough to buy me 3 months of subcription to the site! Thanks once again! Until then take care, I hope everyone is doing well.
PS: I know all of my pics and shit are very old and I will update them as soon as I can. Thanks.
Anyway I suppose some updates are needed because it has been over a year since I've been on this site. And, well, someone wanted to know so here ya go:
First off I am no longer living in Philly

After I moved back I was quite depressed for a couple of months. I got a factory job for a while which just made things more miserable. I had to go through bankruptcy to get out of my financial mess. And plus I hate winter and where I was living gets some of the worst ones in the country. Blaaaaah
I got over it though so no worries!!!
Around Christmas times things kind of hit rock bottom and from there I could only go up, and go up I did indeed. Since I could never get into a good standing to follow my dreams in Philly I decided to work on them here. First thing I did though was to get my shit together:
I quit smoking. (7 months without one now!)
I fixed all of my money issues. (Bankruptcy and worked a lot)
I fixed my head by really getting into meditating and Buddhism. (Cleared my mind right up so I could focus on whats important)
I started exercising and got into great shape! Started eating more healthy too.
And in general my whole personality changed from my experiences.
Ok now to the really good stuff....
I channeled all of that bad energy I had build up into a story. And after a couple of months of really hard work I turned that story into a screenplay. And then I decided to put all of my energy into bringing that film to life. And I did just that. Well technically its not finished but I have made my first film finally!!!! I have worked on other projects before but never anything professional and never anything all on my own. Anyway I must get to telling you about the movie, here this will help:

This is a contemporary film noir about a young man and his dream of becoming a hitman for the mafia. This dream turns into a nightmare with disastrous consequences! Out casted as someone that is different, the man goes on a rampage of anger against anyone and everyone in his path. We meet him while he is on the brink of madness as he goes on a journey to a find better life. One fateful night he decides to stop in a small town bar for a drink. Unbeknownst to all; this night will not end without murder.
Exciting, huh? So I finally pulled it off, I'm a filmmaker. We just wrapped on principal photography and are in post-production. The film should be finished in about six weeks and it will be released at the begining of next year. I'm going on a festival run, hopefully the big ones, and I'm also having a local theatrical run, plus distribution. This is a very exciting thing for me.
Also, in order to produce the film properly and to gain creadiblity I started up a production company! Now that the film is wrapped it has become a fully functional production company with employees and alll. We have about 5 music videos and a couple commercials lined up within the next two months. Plus we are working on developing a webseries and I'm working on the script for a feature length film! Its been a lot of fun putting it all together and I have a great team working for me. Check it out:

Little Death Productions Website
I suck at updating the website but check it out. Oh and if you are on facebook make sure to fan the movie's page! You'll get all the updates on the film and where its playing, plus all the details and plenty of swag. Heres the link:
Fedora Facebook Page
I have already bought a couple dot com sites for the company and the film but I haven't had the time to find a web designer to build them yet. I'll keep you posted on that.
Ok so that whole story is much, much longer but I'll spare the details. Suffice to say my life is definitely on track and headed in a great direction! Making the film and starting the company has been my whole life for quite awhile now so there isn't much else to update you on. I'm super happy these days and things are going my way for once. I haven't even had time to date, not that I have anyone in mind to date, so I'm single yet again but I have no intention of changing that for once., but who knows.
Oh and in less than savory news: My nephew has been in terrible condtition. He was admited to the children's hospital in minnesota last saturday and has been in criticle care ever since. Basically his brain started bleeding in several locations and they still dont know why. He is 16 years old and was perfectly healthy up to this point. He is hooked up to like 20 machines just to keep him alive. I have been up there a lot the past week and my brother is quite a mess about it. Today we finally had some good news at least, and that is that he is going to live! That was even unexpected but its great to hear that. More than likely he will be crippled to some extent for the rest of his life.

Anyway another long busy day tomorrow so I'll end it there for now. I don't get much free time these days but hopefully I'll get a chance to get on here and get reacquainted with you all! Especially with whoever was nice enough to buy me 3 months of subcription to the site! Thanks once again! Until then take care, I hope everyone is doing well.
PS: I know all of my pics and shit are very old and I will update them as soon as I can. Thanks.
Im suuuuper happy to see youve been making a movie Mr! Sorry im not on here very much now.. long story..
come backkk