Ok, new blog time!
I've been really busy lately. I'm not working at the restaurant anymore which im happy about but technically im unemployed. Oh well, i have lots in the works. I'll be bartending soon i guarantee it, I've been running around applying and interviewing at a bunch of places. I have some good leads on some awesome places. My guess is I'll get a job doing that within a week. I'm also doing some modeling work which isn't much, but it helps. Plus I enjoy the fact that I get money for being attractive. Yay me! My book is still coming along slowly but surely. I need to get other things sorted out before I can dedicate time to doing that everyday.
So the other day I got some advice from a friend on how to live cheaply. He suggested figuring out what you pay a month and divide it out in 31 days. Then figure out some way to make that amount each day and all will be well. After thinking about it, this could be used as a good motivator to make a lot of money as well. Since I have a lot of projects and jobs in the works i figure i should be able to round up a hundred each day. It seems a lot easier that way for some reason. Then at the start of June my finances should be in better order so I'm going to attempt to make it two hundred a day. And that adds up! Yay me again!
My best friend is coming here in a couple of weeks, I'm super excited!
Side note: Women are frustrating...
I've been really tired lately and I don't know why. Maybe it has to do with the fact that its been raining for a week strait. Urg, when will it end?
Thats all i got for now!

Oh, and be sure to check out my new favorite hopeful, Milo_sweet's set surge drop

Shes so pretty!
I've been really busy lately. I'm not working at the restaurant anymore which im happy about but technically im unemployed. Oh well, i have lots in the works. I'll be bartending soon i guarantee it, I've been running around applying and interviewing at a bunch of places. I have some good leads on some awesome places. My guess is I'll get a job doing that within a week. I'm also doing some modeling work which isn't much, but it helps. Plus I enjoy the fact that I get money for being attractive. Yay me! My book is still coming along slowly but surely. I need to get other things sorted out before I can dedicate time to doing that everyday.
So the other day I got some advice from a friend on how to live cheaply. He suggested figuring out what you pay a month and divide it out in 31 days. Then figure out some way to make that amount each day and all will be well. After thinking about it, this could be used as a good motivator to make a lot of money as well. Since I have a lot of projects and jobs in the works i figure i should be able to round up a hundred each day. It seems a lot easier that way for some reason. Then at the start of June my finances should be in better order so I'm going to attempt to make it two hundred a day. And that adds up! Yay me again!
My best friend is coming here in a couple of weeks, I'm super excited!
Side note: Women are frustrating...
I've been really tired lately and I don't know why. Maybe it has to do with the fact that its been raining for a week strait. Urg, when will it end?
Thats all i got for now!

Oh, and be sure to check out my new favorite hopeful, Milo_sweet's set surge drop

Shes so pretty!
HAHA i cant help it! I live in the Bay i say hella and like all the time haha every other word in like or hella. Damn bay area. Im so happy cuz its be sooo sunny here lately.
YES! thank you! you are the bomb for helping me out like that!
I think its 21 at the place i work =/ fail.
Mmmm i more like the people at my job then the serving part haha But i only work day time so i get all these lil old cute coulpes. So its ok. I made bank today =) Mothers day is going to be bananas!
awe! keep trying im sure youll find something
You may not be a pretty girl BUT your a very cute boy =)
haha! Ya shes got some pretty sweet balls. im sure you wish your was that nice LMAO