Looking back on 2008, things really sucked. My life in general hasn't changed at all this year. It was mostly about getting back on my feet after some bad things happened in 07, plus working my ass off to pay off debt and save for moving. Although, I don't regret one bit of this year, i improved myself a lot, and sometimes that's whats important. Also i met some great people this year. One person in particular that showed me that there are good people out there, and I owe her a lot for teaching that to me. I'm finally ready to leave my old life behind and begin anew as a better person and also to actually make something of myself. And at the start of 09 I'm doing that by leaving everything behind and moving to Philly. I can't wait for that. Until then there's not much going on, but when I move there will be so much greatness to tell about.
I miss you!!!!!!!!
Happy Holidays!