Hung out with M and S after work today. We stayed up late talking about the house. They weren't able to close the deal today... the sellers haven't gotten their shit together completely.
They're supposed to close on tuesday now, but we're moving our stuff in early anyway. That's all day tomorrow... ugh, moving is not going to be fun. Well, maybe it will be. But I'm lazy, damnit!
I can't wait to have my own damn bedroom.
I bought a computer! It's still in the box. Only $500 and it has 160 gig HD, 512 ram, DVD burner, GeForce 4, CD burner, memory stick reader(which means more pic updates!), and... other stuff too. Either way, once I get my room situated I am going to be spending a lot of time playing all the games I had to miss out on. Warcraft 3, HalfLife 2, WoW...
I finally beat God of War! Wow, what a tough game. I was playing it on normal difficulty and I had trouble with a few parts. For such a fast paced hack and slash game, there sure is a lot of strategy involved. Buttonmashing won't work! It was a true test of my skill as a gamer.
Next I've started on Final Fantasy 7. I never played it when I first came out but I kept hearing how awesome it is so I had to try it out. One thing I can't get over is how the one character keeps cursing! No other FF game I've seen has had the word "shit" in it. It makes me do a double take every time.
They're supposed to close on tuesday now, but we're moving our stuff in early anyway. That's all day tomorrow... ugh, moving is not going to be fun. Well, maybe it will be. But I'm lazy, damnit!
I can't wait to have my own damn bedroom.
I bought a computer! It's still in the box. Only $500 and it has 160 gig HD, 512 ram, DVD burner, GeForce 4, CD burner, memory stick reader(which means more pic updates!), and... other stuff too. Either way, once I get my room situated I am going to be spending a lot of time playing all the games I had to miss out on. Warcraft 3, HalfLife 2, WoW...
I finally beat God of War! Wow, what a tough game. I was playing it on normal difficulty and I had trouble with a few parts. For such a fast paced hack and slash game, there sure is a lot of strategy involved. Buttonmashing won't work! It was a true test of my skill as a gamer.
Next I've started on Final Fantasy 7. I never played it when I first came out but I kept hearing how awesome it is so I had to try it out. One thing I can't get over is how the one character keeps cursing! No other FF game I've seen has had the word "shit" in it. It makes me do a double take every time.
Love and kisses
Michelle xx
Love and kisses
Michelle xx