What on earth would compel someone to quit their well-paying, prestigious job in the midst of George Bush's noconomy? I wish I knew, but that's what I seem to have done today.

Somebody please tell me everything's going to work out.
hi i read your interesting post in the eastern religion group

you mention loss of integrity in that post

and i wonder what you mean by that

is that why you cut yourself loose?
Yes, but purely on personal level. There was nothing going on at work that was unethical or problematic on its own terms. This would be considered a "dream job" to 99.99% of the people in this profession (IT). But I came to the stunning realization yesterday (when I made this decision) that I simply can't do this work any longer. In fact, I already wasn't doing it - even up to my own standards. So even though I could have stayed and kept drawing a paycheck and getting by, it was a charade and I knew it. And that's where the question of integrity came in. Either I stayed and did a half-assed job in exchange for a nice fat paycheck, or I made the leap of faith to do something else (still not sure what) with a commitment that whatever it is, I will only undertake it with 100% of my talent, passion and enthusiasm.
The days tick by and my vacation gets closer. But why is taking three weeks off so weird to people around my office? If I said I was taking a week off, or even two weeks, people don't give it a second thought. But if you say you're taking *three* weeks off they look at you like you had just slashed the tires of the...
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I think maybe America and Britain are too hung up on the Protestant Work Ethic thing. It's not healthy. Surely we work so that we have money to be able to live our lives how we want. Vacations shouldn't be seen as an inconvenience getting in the way of work. Work is an inconvenience that gets in the way of living life. (Well, ok - it's also a social thing and an important part of self-actualisation but you get my point.)

By the way, I see you like Delgados. Are you into other Scottish bands like Dawn Of The Replicants, Mogwai and Arab Strap?
OMG, it is sweltering here in my office. No AC b/c, you know, it's San Francisco, but ugh. Only four more days until vacation.
Boy I'm really behind on the journal. Saw the reunion of American Music Club last night at Make Out Room. Great show, but I got a little too drunk to really savor the show. I'm kinda bummed about that. But still it was fun.

Not too much else going on. My three week vacation is only a week away. Woohoo!
Got back from the Ranch late yesterday. It was a nice trip, but a bit stressful. I was helping them get their computers networked and I am not as good with Win XP as I am with Macs and it was rather frustrating trying to get things to work right. We made some progress, but I need to go back this Saturday to do some...
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Whoo hoo! I'm going here this weekend!
I asked for, and got, three weeks of time off today. This is long overdue as I haven't had a real vacation in like 18 months. Plus I'm getting burned out on work and need a break. The question is, what am I going to do? I have no plan or even an idea of what I want to do with the time. Suggestions welcome.
hi i just downloaded your icons
now what do i do to use them?
Back at work today after being sick as a *dog* the last three days. Ugh. One of the worst colds I've had for awhile. But then, I also think I get sick more often than I used to. I used to think of myself as one of those folks "who never gets sick". Which means I got a cold maybe once a year, if that....
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So I'm staying home sick today. Had 100 fever last night, but that seems to have abated. I just feel run-down & ache-y now.
thanks for the encouragement =) it felt really good to see a 2 next to my name, hehe... i guess it's time to get over feeling overly self-concious, eh? i mean no matter what, i know i'm not going to post anything really retarded that will get me laughed off the boards, so why be shy...
hope you feel better soon, and thanks again =)
I'm starting to get a flu of some sort. Can't tell yet if it's going to be a serious one or not. Question is, should I leave work early? whatever
Nah.. it's from Donnie Darko. I was in the mood to make an obscure quote.
So last night my friend and I had this brilliant idea to take advantage of the rare SF weather we had yesterday and setup an outdoor theatre in another friends backyard. It was so great! We took a couple long PVC pipes and fastened a bedsheet to them lengthwise, then secured our makeshift "screen" with some rope. Add a video projector that I borrowed from...
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The movie sounds like fun! Why no friends? If you've been here since june 02, you must know the hipsters in sgsf?

p.s. i was a hipster too, just fazed out because of probs wife had with them.

i AM still cool though.
No friends yet b/c I just recently started keeping a journal and being active on the boards and in the groups. I know a couple SGSFers offline and figure I'll get to know folks better online the longer I stay active. No big rush.

Did I help answer your question in the Mac group?
Just in case someone missed them in the SG Army Board or the Mac User group, I made some little desktop icons for OS X & Win XP. A link to all the sets I've posted so far:
