Castle tonight anyone? I'll be the pimp in the Pink Ben Sherman and silver tie. oh yeah dont for get the pink belt.
tanya came over and i cooked dinner last night and we watched Jersey Girl. she'd never seen it and quickly became a fan. I told her it was a great flick but refused to believe me till she saw it for herself. It's a kevin smith movie for christ sake. so as always i rule.
Good flick... so, I rule for agreeing.
yes you do for having good taste. how ya been? i thought you ran away.
well last night went well. went to st pete to hang out with tanya and here friend megan who is visiting from LA. took my roomie john along as well. good times.
I bet you had good times..for gosh sakes, you were with Tanya and Megan
ok what does haha you're everywhere mean? what the hell is MOTS and why does it rule. i'm confused.
well i went out sat night and i met a really awesome girl who wasn't 19, which seems to be the age off all the girls who ever hit on me, well 19 to 21 is more like it but all in all still to young to think that i'd date them. she turned out to be 28 going to be 29 march 2nd. believe...
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You are supposed to wait for me, dammit!
i'm on and off the market like disney movies.
well i beeen out of town all week for my job. this is the first time i've been online since sat. got home early this morning worked an 18 hour day or more yesterday. put in way over 40 hours in 4 days. which means big ass check plus my 175 for per diem. yeah.
I'm missing you. Good thing your getting paid for being away
hey i'm back. just today is my first day checking out SG. what's new with you?
well I guesss since john and i have nothing to do tonight. a very depressing x mas indeed. we are going to get piss drunk on grey goose and oj then go to czar with all the other depressing losers with nothing better to do on x mas eve. the orpheum is also open on x mas night. why the hell would they do that....
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Hi! Christmas good?
yep critmas was pretty good. i got a bunch of goodies. best of all i got shaun of the dead dvd. sweet.
it's critmas eve and i'm sitting around doing nothing. someone call me to do something fun tonight. 237 2548 surprise me tampa members. wanna see and meet some new faces
I'm way too tired to hang out.
well we are hanging out at my house for a bit tonight and we are going to the orpheum and czar maybe. czar is having a critmas p.j. party which could be kinda fun. light yourself on fire is playing at the orpheum tonight before dance party all you can drink sat night starts.
well today might be my last day on the site. cause i'm kinda low on funds at the moment to shell out cash for the next year. so keep a look out for me cause i'll be back. love all of ya.
Alright then.
well for now i decided to go month to month until work picks up again and i can just pay for the whole year. do you know where you can host a web cam for free? i wanna put mine on the site.
Dear friend,
In an attempt to escape responsibility for the misleading statements that led the nation to war, President Bush has announced plans to form an independent inquiry to look into what went wrong. An inquiry would serve the Bush administration well: it would envelop the issue in a fog of uncertainty, deflect blame onto the intelligence services, and push any political damage into 2005,...
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In an attempt to escape responsibility for the misleading statements that led the nation to war, President Bush has announced plans to form an independent inquiry to look into what went wrong. An inquiry would serve the Bush administration well: it would envelop the issue in a fog of uncertainty, deflect blame onto the intelligence services, and push any political damage into 2005,...
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the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club.
the first rule of project mayhem is you do not ask questions.
the first rule of project mayhem is you do not ask questions.
I was looking through pictures I'd posted around, cause I'm bored and i was wondering if people had commented...
I found your comment from November 16th where you said you'd hope to see me as an SG soon.
My set went up October 18th.
I found your comment from November 16th where you said you'd hope to see me as an SG soon.
My set went up October 18th.
so i just woke up. if you wanna read a journal by me go here>>>>