the case for Showgirls
Proving that sometimes the best movies are also the worst, Showgirls is a cinematic trainwreck of epic proportions. You'd think a film directed by Paul Verhoeven of Robocop, Flesh + Blood and Total Recall fame, as well as written by Joe Eszterhas of Flashdance and Basic Instinct fame, would be somewhat well-done. Yes, and maybe I'm the King of France. What follows is a staggering lack of plot or likeable characters, and scene-chewing that is off the charts. We're introduced to Nomi, played by Elizabeth Berkley (yes,she was in the tv show saved by the bell),and though we're supposed to feel sorry for her plight she is so annoying..and overacts so much..and is so spastic in her "sexy" dancing and in-pool sex-scene you ponder if perhaps she is bi-polar or prone to seizures. Yes, it's that hot. Not to be outdone Gina Gershon chews scenery like it's going out of style. Over-the-top and naked, that's how I'd describe her performance. Then you have Kyle MacLachlan seeming to phone in his performance through a drug-induced haze, or maybe he realized how big the picture was going to suck and was trying to be kicked off..
Now from the above you might think I hate this film.. quite the contrary, if you and friends have a couple of drinks and can watch this film and NOT have an awesome time, your either dead or have no sense of humor. The dialogue is laughable, the plot missing, acting that must be seen to be believed (Robert Davi's stripclub owner is pure comic gold) and plenty of good-looking naked bods equal a good time with your brain in neutral. I and my friends will often spout some dialogue-line of showgirl's wisdom, it's just that bad. The tagline for the film was "Leave Your Inhibitions At The Door" they could also add "sense of taste and brain" as well...