so i need some advice form all you wonderful people that dont read this. a few weeks ago, im guessing 3, i went out to a party and met this really amazing girl erin, and then we locked ourselves in her cousins bedroom for 2 hours. (you can guess what happeed next)
. anyway, i was so drunk that night i forgot to get her phone number. so the next day i saw her again an got it from her, because i knew if i didnt get it hten, i probably never would because she lives almost 4 hours away. so i waited a few days before calling her, it was probably thursday or so, i called and got her voice mail, left her a nice message to the effect of, i was wondering if you were going to be in town this weekend, and if so if you would like to get toghther and do anything. well three weeks go by and no call. i figure she saw me as a one night stand, which sucked but i was wiling to live with it. untill two hours ago, my phone yells at me telling me i have a new message. the message turns out to be the one i left for erin, and at the begining of the mesage it says, that it was never delivered to her phone. so now i dont know if i should call her or not, because its been 3 weks to a month, and she probably thinks im some kinda ass that doesnt really care about her and just wants to get laid. so the point of this is, should i call her, or not. i just dont know what to do.