Things to report:
I dropped my Genetics class. I feel as if a huge weight was lifted from me. Going to register for Fall classes next week.
May is going to be an awesome month:
May 2 Chevelle in Concert
May 3 NIN "With Teeth" and Last day of Classes
May 10 Team Sleep "Team Sleep" is finally out
May 19 Star Wars Episode III
May 23-25 NY Mets are playing at Atlanta I am going to at least one game, maybe all three.
Just to name a few.
Thanks for the everyones insite into the Jesse matter. Almost everyone encouraged me to go for and am not one to go against my constituents or at least not in this matter, so I am going for it. My sister is suppose to be talking to the women who worked with Jesse soon so maybe I will have an update shortly. Thanks, again.
I dropped my Genetics class. I feel as if a huge weight was lifted from me. Going to register for Fall classes next week.
May is going to be an awesome month:
May 2 Chevelle in Concert
May 3 NIN "With Teeth" and Last day of Classes
May 10 Team Sleep "Team Sleep" is finally out
May 19 Star Wars Episode III
May 23-25 NY Mets are playing at Atlanta I am going to at least one game, maybe all three.
Just to name a few.
Thanks for the everyones insite into the Jesse matter. Almost everyone encouraged me to go for and am not one to go against my constituents or at least not in this matter, so I am going for it. My sister is suppose to be talking to the women who worked with Jesse soon so maybe I will have an update shortly. Thanks, again.

Yea, Chevelle tix are on sale already- get this- they're only $18 bucks! Got to and you can get them there..there's a $4.95 handling fee but still, that still makes the tickets REALLY cheap. Maybe me and the boy will see you there!
Oh, and the 2nd thing I can't wait for in May is also on your list- Star Wars!!
Good luck with the recon work on Jesse. I hope it all works out for you, dude.
1) I graduate from college (yay!)
2) The new Sleater-Kinney album
3) All my dreams will come true.