Happy Quirkyalone Day!
Quirkyalone: noun/adj. A person who enjoys being single and generally prefers to be alone rather than dating for the sake of being in a couple. With unique traits and an optimistic spirit; a sensibility that transcends relationship status.
That sounds like me.
I always hated Valentine's Day (V-Day). The thing about being a genius is that genius genetically is usually coupled with anti-social behavior. With me being naturally anti-social in 26 years I have only had girlfriends on V-Day something like 4 years. That is 85% of the V-Days I have been part of have been spent watching other people celebrate V-Day. Fuck Capitalism, Fuck Commercialism and Fuck whoever came up with the idea of V-Day.
Mainly I just posted to bitch about V-Day, but there is one more thing. After the whole thing that went down on my birthday, Shaun and Shannon got back together yesterday. I don't want to have anything to do with her. Me, Scott (Shauns brother), Scott's wife Jody and Shaun's dad all told Shaun that we didn't want to see, talk to or interact with Shannon in any shape or form. But of course she has been here all day and is spending the night again. Fuck her and Fuck Shaun for getting back with her!!
Plus Shaun just got hired on at a car dealership here in town and today was suppose to be his first offical day and he called out. He lied to them telling them that his daughter had to be rushed to the ER because of a 102 degree temperature. His daughter is completely healthy, he called out to spend the day with Shannon. Everyone knows you don't call out on your first day or you are likely to get fired. Shaun is so self-destructive, I am glad I won't be living with him in a month.
...And to use my Webster's Dictionary Word of the day:
Shaun is one desultory BEEE-A-TCCHHH!

Quirkyalone: noun/adj. A person who enjoys being single and generally prefers to be alone rather than dating for the sake of being in a couple. With unique traits and an optimistic spirit; a sensibility that transcends relationship status.
That sounds like me.
I always hated Valentine's Day (V-Day). The thing about being a genius is that genius genetically is usually coupled with anti-social behavior. With me being naturally anti-social in 26 years I have only had girlfriends on V-Day something like 4 years. That is 85% of the V-Days I have been part of have been spent watching other people celebrate V-Day. Fuck Capitalism, Fuck Commercialism and Fuck whoever came up with the idea of V-Day.
Mainly I just posted to bitch about V-Day, but there is one more thing. After the whole thing that went down on my birthday, Shaun and Shannon got back together yesterday. I don't want to have anything to do with her. Me, Scott (Shauns brother), Scott's wife Jody and Shaun's dad all told Shaun that we didn't want to see, talk to or interact with Shannon in any shape or form. But of course she has been here all day and is spending the night again. Fuck her and Fuck Shaun for getting back with her!!

Plus Shaun just got hired on at a car dealership here in town and today was suppose to be his first offical day and he called out. He lied to them telling them that his daughter had to be rushed to the ER because of a 102 degree temperature. His daughter is completely healthy, he called out to spend the day with Shannon. Everyone knows you don't call out on your first day or you are likely to get fired. Shaun is so self-destructive, I am glad I won't be living with him in a month.

...And to use my Webster's Dictionary Word of the day:
Shaun is one desultory BEEE-A-TCCHHH!

by all means, steal away.