I was watch Raw tonight and The Rock said, " Lillian Garcia use to work in a sperm bank." (pause)..... "But she got fired for drinking on the job."
At first I laugh my ass off, but then I realized that The Rock just said Lillian was a cum guzzling slut on National TV, with millions of kids watching.
I am shocked they let him get away with that. WWE will gets lots of letters for that comment.
**Interesting facts about The JOSH:
1) I am really into the arts. I have seen
- 20+ Live Ballets
- 12+ Plays (mostly shakespeare)
- 2 Operas
- I have Edvard Munch's "Scream" and Steve Hank's "Watercolors" hanging on my walls.
- I own 20+ classical, opera, etc cds.
2) Never been to a Rock Concert.
3) I have a large collection of Indy and Japanese Pro-Wrestling videos.
4) I won an award top defensive soccer player in the state of TN when I was 12.
5) I am an expert in martial arts. I have the equivalent to a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, Ju-Jitsu and Wing Tsun. I have also trained in 15 to 20 other martial arts.
6) My most prized possession is a stuffed Gizmo doll which I have had since I was 6.
7) I find myself being attracted to women in performance arts like ballets, plays, sports and strippers. The last three girls I have dated have been strippers.
8) The weirdest thing someone ever said to me was said my old youth minister at the church I use to go to. When I was 16 he said, " You conduct an almost cult-like following and you should use that power for good." (He said it because I had a rep, at church, for getting good christain girls to do naughty, naughty things IN church.) He might have been right though because I rarely take complete charge of things (sex being the opposite, I almost always take control there) because I am somewhat anti-social (understatement). But when I do people tend to shut up and follow my lead.
9) I was a wigger in high school.
10) Almost got in a fight with Sean O'Haire from the WWE. We were at a strip club (April or May of 2000) and he was drunk off his ass. He grabbed the tit of one of the strippers. The stripper slapped him and my little 5'8 160+ pds(at the time) self got up in his face (he is like 6'6 275 pds) because he was about to slap her back. We stared at each other for a few seconds. The security and a couple other guys in the club backed me up. Sean left cursing at me and the rest of the guys. If they hadn't backed me up, Sean was about to swing on me and when he did I would have kicked his drunk over-sterioded ass.
At first I laugh my ass off, but then I realized that The Rock just said Lillian was a cum guzzling slut on National TV, with millions of kids watching.

**Interesting facts about The JOSH:
1) I am really into the arts. I have seen
- 20+ Live Ballets
- 12+ Plays (mostly shakespeare)
- 2 Operas
- I have Edvard Munch's "Scream" and Steve Hank's "Watercolors" hanging on my walls.
- I own 20+ classical, opera, etc cds.
2) Never been to a Rock Concert.
3) I have a large collection of Indy and Japanese Pro-Wrestling videos.
4) I won an award top defensive soccer player in the state of TN when I was 12.
5) I am an expert in martial arts. I have the equivalent to a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, Ju-Jitsu and Wing Tsun. I have also trained in 15 to 20 other martial arts.
6) My most prized possession is a stuffed Gizmo doll which I have had since I was 6.
7) I find myself being attracted to women in performance arts like ballets, plays, sports and strippers. The last three girls I have dated have been strippers.
8) The weirdest thing someone ever said to me was said my old youth minister at the church I use to go to. When I was 16 he said, " You conduct an almost cult-like following and you should use that power for good." (He said it because I had a rep, at church, for getting good christain girls to do naughty, naughty things IN church.) He might have been right though because I rarely take complete charge of things (sex being the opposite, I almost always take control there) because I am somewhat anti-social (understatement). But when I do people tend to shut up and follow my lead.

9) I was a wigger in high school.
10) Almost got in a fight with Sean O'Haire from the WWE. We were at a strip club (April or May of 2000) and he was drunk off his ass. He grabbed the tit of one of the strippers. The stripper slapped him and my little 5'8 160+ pds(at the time) self got up in his face (he is like 6'6 275 pds) because he was about to slap her back. We stared at each other for a few seconds. The security and a couple other guys in the club backed me up. Sean left cursing at me and the rest of the guys. If they hadn't backed me up, Sean was about to swing on me and when he did I would have kicked his drunk over-sterioded ass.
Thanks for the Birthday wishes!!! It was uneventful, but I LOVED all the comments! They totally made my day!! We're going to really celebrate next week. Anyhow, I'm probably going to go grey for a day or two, but I shall return on Tuesday. I hope you have a great weekend! Hugs!