Me, Michelle and Shannon went to Ghost Bridge Sunday night. I got out of the car and started walking the bridge. Michelle got out and walked maybe 20 feet and then turned around and got back in the car. Shannon stayed in the car the whole time. I got about half way across the bridge and they were so scared that they started driving the car in reverse to leave the bridge. I had to stop walking and walk back the other way. I was a completely wasted trip because they were such wusses.
But when we got back, we were checking the tail of the car, because you are suppose to be able to see hand prints on the back bumper afterwards. We didn't see any but as they were walking away from the car I said, "wait a minute, look." I point to the bumper being really serious. They come back over and look at the bumper. I kept pointing and they asked were, I said "right......" I grab Shannon by the shoulders and shake her screaming BOOOOOO in her ear. She jumps several feet in the air and her cell phone goes flying at least 15 feet in the opposite direction. And me and Michelle laughed our asses off. It was a classic scare, I love doing that shit.
On a less happy note my godson Austin(my sisters first kid), who just turned 4 last month, is in the hospitial because he has a major kidney blockage and he is constantly in alot of pain. The kidney is really swollen and is close to bursting. If they can't get it under control they are going to have to fly him to Vandy to have surgery. I went to go see him today and it was really hard to see him in so much pain.
But when we got back, we were checking the tail of the car, because you are suppose to be able to see hand prints on the back bumper afterwards. We didn't see any but as they were walking away from the car I said, "wait a minute, look." I point to the bumper being really serious. They come back over and look at the bumper. I kept pointing and they asked were, I said "right......" I grab Shannon by the shoulders and shake her screaming BOOOOOO in her ear. She jumps several feet in the air and her cell phone goes flying at least 15 feet in the opposite direction. And me and Michelle laughed our asses off. It was a classic scare, I love doing that shit.

On a less happy note my godson Austin(my sisters first kid), who just turned 4 last month, is in the hospitial because he has a major kidney blockage and he is constantly in alot of pain. The kidney is really swollen and is close to bursting. If they can't get it under control they are going to have to fly him to Vandy to have surgery. I went to go see him today and it was really hard to see him in so much pain.

Life and time, they're all funny things, you know? I mean, it boggles the brain.
Maybe I'm nostalgic because I just watched "Butterfly Effect" for the first time.
As for your godson, modern medicine will take very good care of him I'm sure. Afterall, my sister's ordeal was 18 years ago. Austin will be fine.