You know what annoys me?
"What", you ask out there in SG land.
Code words for sex!!
My friend and his new girlfriend new girlfriend have this code word for sex, "chinese food." I won't go into the great detail, but basically my friend was eating chinese and the girl made a comment she wanted some of my friend's chinese. Her friend made it into a sexual thing and ever since they have been saying it.
My friend really doesn't care because hell he is getting laid. As long as that is happening he is willing to let her call it whatever. We had a little experiment where she called up wanting some "chinese" and my friend basically told her that she could only come over if she told him that she wanted to "fuck."
If we had been betting money I would have won alot because I bet everyone who was their that she wouldn't admit that she wanted to be "fucked." Instead of admitting it she stayed at her place. And they have only called it "chinese" ever since.
The term that I really hate is "making love." First off this is impossible. Sex is physical pleasure and love is emotional pleasure. Physical pleasure should have no emotion value. The two should not be confused and never mixed. The mixing of the two causes obsessions. And this is why when scientists test people who claim be in love they find that those people test positive for obsessive complusive disorder in 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of cases (that really small percentile been dismissable as people are doing the study just to get a pay check).
If someone tells me they want to make love they will like see the door before they see my dick. To be with me a girl must know EXACTLY what she wants and be able to admit it.
"What", you ask out there in SG land.
Code words for sex!!
My friend and his new girlfriend new girlfriend have this code word for sex, "chinese food." I won't go into the great detail, but basically my friend was eating chinese and the girl made a comment she wanted some of my friend's chinese. Her friend made it into a sexual thing and ever since they have been saying it.
My friend really doesn't care because hell he is getting laid. As long as that is happening he is willing to let her call it whatever. We had a little experiment where she called up wanting some "chinese" and my friend basically told her that she could only come over if she told him that she wanted to "fuck."
If we had been betting money I would have won alot because I bet everyone who was their that she wouldn't admit that she wanted to be "fucked." Instead of admitting it she stayed at her place. And they have only called it "chinese" ever since.
The term that I really hate is "making love." First off this is impossible. Sex is physical pleasure and love is emotional pleasure. Physical pleasure should have no emotion value. The two should not be confused and never mixed. The mixing of the two causes obsessions. And this is why when scientists test people who claim be in love they find that those people test positive for obsessive complusive disorder in 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of cases (that really small percentile been dismissable as people are doing the study just to get a pay check).
If someone tells me they want to make love they will like see the door before they see my dick. To be with me a girl must know EXACTLY what she wants and be able to admit it.
Cut the bull. That's what I always say.