My friend Shaun met this chick at work and they exchanged dirty innuendo over text message all day. They continued this when me and several friends are out bowling. I was kicking some major ass too because I bowled my best game in 8 years.
This girls name is Shannon. Shannon wants to come but has no ride out there, because she is out by Montgomery Central, which is about 40+ minutes from were we are, out in Deliverance country. Me, Jody (friends wife who is extra affectionate with me
), and a friend named Carl all go out there to pick her up (11pm). Shaun and his brother can't go because that are already drunk off their ass.
We get to the MC area in about 25 minutes. And we figure this is going to go easy. We call them up to get the final directions but everyone's cell phone keep disconnecting, because cell phones don't work in Deliverance country. We drive around a while and get bits and pieces of what they are saying. Old 48 and Southside Rds are about all we get. After driving around for a while we get to that intersection. We call them back and they start giving us directions like "turn left, look for the second big hill after the third big hill and then look for a police car and a V in the road then look for the next big hill," etc. Nobody knows what road they live on and everyone there is so baked that they can't go look at the mail box.
We agree to meet at the intersection of 48/southside (11:55pm). We are told they are driving a "tiny white buick" (since when are buicks tiny?
). We wait and wait, but no one shows up. We are parked on the side of the road in the middle of no where without phones, no street lights and completely surrounded by rednecks on all sides. Makings of a bad horror movie or Deliverance 2 and am just happen to be the prettiest person in the truck so I would likely get raped first.
By 12:45am nobody has shown up so we leave very pissed off!!
I went on what seemed to be a double date with with Shaun, me being the wingman, Shannon and her friend Michelle (6pm). We played pool for about 3 hrs. Shaun said all of ten words to the girl in 3 hrs. Me and her had a nice long conversation about music. She likes the Deftones and got to see them play in Michigan (I think). Hell anyone who like likes the Deftones is cool with me. Neither one of these girls where "my type". Although Shannon might have looked all right after a couple beers. LOL!!
A little after 9pm we go get some food at Taco Bell. Michelle gets a urgent call from another friend and has to leave. I could careless because I wasn't even remotely into her. But then we go back to Shaun's house. We get to his house, I get out of his truck and Shaun says, "I will see you later." ....... WTF? the night is already over it is 9 fuckin pm. I have to leave at like 9:20 pm, so he can can see if this chick is all talk or not, SOB!!
Shannon was sad to she me go, but that is no surprise because all her and Shaun had to talk about was screwing. I hope to hell he didn't get any, just for sending me home at 9 fuckin pm!!
Anyway I went to Hastings and rented a couple DVDs (two foreign flicks). Watched one, took a 2-mile run (that was good for my pissed-off-ness), and then watched the other movie. Fell asleep about 2 am. Had a really weird dream with this girl I have a crush on, Jesse in it. Hey but I got lied in the dream,
, I never get lied in my dreams
Anyway I am still mad at Shaun. He always does this sort of shit, meaning he is more concerned with getting lied then his friends being happy. I seriously need some new friends!!
My friend Shaun met this chick at work and they exchanged dirty innuendo over text message all day. They continued this when me and several friends are out bowling. I was kicking some major ass too because I bowled my best game in 8 years.

This girls name is Shannon. Shannon wants to come but has no ride out there, because she is out by Montgomery Central, which is about 40+ minutes from were we are, out in Deliverance country. Me, Jody (friends wife who is extra affectionate with me

We get to the MC area in about 25 minutes. And we figure this is going to go easy. We call them up to get the final directions but everyone's cell phone keep disconnecting, because cell phones don't work in Deliverance country. We drive around a while and get bits and pieces of what they are saying. Old 48 and Southside Rds are about all we get. After driving around for a while we get to that intersection. We call them back and they start giving us directions like "turn left, look for the second big hill after the third big hill and then look for a police car and a V in the road then look for the next big hill," etc. Nobody knows what road they live on and everyone there is so baked that they can't go look at the mail box.
We agree to meet at the intersection of 48/southside (11:55pm). We are told they are driving a "tiny white buick" (since when are buicks tiny?

I went on what seemed to be a double date with with Shaun, me being the wingman, Shannon and her friend Michelle (6pm). We played pool for about 3 hrs. Shaun said all of ten words to the girl in 3 hrs. Me and her had a nice long conversation about music. She likes the Deftones and got to see them play in Michigan (I think). Hell anyone who like likes the Deftones is cool with me. Neither one of these girls where "my type". Although Shannon might have looked all right after a couple beers. LOL!!

A little after 9pm we go get some food at Taco Bell. Michelle gets a urgent call from another friend and has to leave. I could careless because I wasn't even remotely into her. But then we go back to Shaun's house. We get to his house, I get out of his truck and Shaun says, "I will see you later." ....... WTF? the night is already over it is 9 fuckin pm. I have to leave at like 9:20 pm, so he can can see if this chick is all talk or not, SOB!!

Anyway I went to Hastings and rented a couple DVDs (two foreign flicks). Watched one, took a 2-mile run (that was good for my pissed-off-ness), and then watched the other movie. Fell asleep about 2 am. Had a really weird dream with this girl I have a crush on, Jesse in it. Hey but I got lied in the dream,

Anyway I am still mad at Shaun. He always does this sort of shit, meaning he is more concerned with getting lied then his friends being happy. I seriously need some new friends!!

As for the diet thing, I'm pretty sure you're right. Low-carb stuff doesn't work, so I don't do it. My roomie can do whatever he wants, but I don't do it with him. I'm gonna start working out again.