Now that the storm seems to have passed. Back to funnier things.
Movie Reviews:
- Butterfly Effect: This is a weird movie. But it makes me wish I had kept notebooks when I was a kid. Anyway there is nothing overly special about this movie. The movie focuses around disturbing childhood memories. Do prepare say "damn that sucks" alot. But I am happy about one thing. It isn't predictable And just for that it gets
- Shade: Movie about poker and hustling people. Fun movie. Short of a lowlife "Rounders". Has some awesome card tricks in it. A tad predictable, but not enough to matter.
- Saved!: This movie fuckin rocks!! This movie mocks christians so much, I was laughing the whole way through it. The sad thing is I knew people like that when I was a christian. I was so happy that they got what was coming to them all. I now have a huge crush on Eva Amurri. She was supper hot in the movie.
I am going to see Fahrenheit 9/11 today and will have a review up shortly. It is likely to get a perfect score because what could be better then 2 hrs + of Bush bashing?
22 days till I move into my new place. And I just found out that school doesn't start till August 30. WTF? That is really late. And I don't get my lone check till Aug 27th. I just have to bum until then. I need a couple pairs of new jeans, a couple shirts and maybe a new pair of shoes.
Movie Reviews:
- Butterfly Effect: This is a weird movie. But it makes me wish I had kept notebooks when I was a kid. Anyway there is nothing overly special about this movie. The movie focuses around disturbing childhood memories. Do prepare say "damn that sucks" alot. But I am happy about one thing. It isn't predictable And just for that it gets
- Shade: Movie about poker and hustling people. Fun movie. Short of a lowlife "Rounders". Has some awesome card tricks in it. A tad predictable, but not enough to matter.
- Saved!: This movie fuckin rocks!! This movie mocks christians so much, I was laughing the whole way through it. The sad thing is I knew people like that when I was a christian. I was so happy that they got what was coming to them all. I now have a huge crush on Eva Amurri. She was supper hot in the movie.

I am going to see Fahrenheit 9/11 today and will have a review up shortly. It is likely to get a perfect score because what could be better then 2 hrs + of Bush bashing?

22 days till I move into my new place. And I just found out that school doesn't start till August 30. WTF? That is really late. And I don't get my lone check till Aug 27th. I just have to bum until then. I need a couple pairs of new jeans, a couple shirts and maybe a new pair of shoes.

you got a deal, dude.
haha, yea, GI's aren't typically very stable. But I got a couple free beers last night from talking to him, so it's all good.