Blanket Statement:
It seems their are alot of angry people about commits I made in the "Population Control" thread. I am not apologizing for the statements just the because everyone is overracting. Their was not intent to insult or offend, their was merely intent to show what it would take to make population control work.
The idea that I am a bad person just because I can concieve of such things is ludicrous. Everyone can concieve of murder, but that doesn't make them murders. My statement can not be insensitive if the wasn't my own personal beliefs. What your asking for is a form of censorship, because you expect me not say something because it may offend people. I don't do that, censorship is a detrimential deterrent to free thought and I will not be party to it.
And the same goes for the 4th of july rant. Many people feel similiar but for some reason don't want to speak up. You can't be a "patriot" if you don't stand up and curse the injustices your country is enforcing on whatever Arab country they feel a need to pick on. We should stop making policy based on christian dogmatic theology which is why there will never be "peace in the middle east". Too many religious theologies in the same geographic area, with similiar dogmatic claims to the same land. It is a recipe for absolute chaos and we are sticking our nose in it. We are almost at 1000 dead US troops, when is it too much???
All this has raised an interesting question:
Is our personal freedom more important then the future welfare of the human race?
It seems their are alot of angry people about commits I made in the "Population Control" thread. I am not apologizing for the statements just the because everyone is overracting. Their was not intent to insult or offend, their was merely intent to show what it would take to make population control work.
The idea that I am a bad person just because I can concieve of such things is ludicrous. Everyone can concieve of murder, but that doesn't make them murders. My statement can not be insensitive if the wasn't my own personal beliefs. What your asking for is a form of censorship, because you expect me not say something because it may offend people. I don't do that, censorship is a detrimential deterrent to free thought and I will not be party to it.
And the same goes for the 4th of july rant. Many people feel similiar but for some reason don't want to speak up. You can't be a "patriot" if you don't stand up and curse the injustices your country is enforcing on whatever Arab country they feel a need to pick on. We should stop making policy based on christian dogmatic theology which is why there will never be "peace in the middle east". Too many religious theologies in the same geographic area, with similiar dogmatic claims to the same land. It is a recipe for absolute chaos and we are sticking our nose in it. We are almost at 1000 dead US troops, when is it too much???
All this has raised an interesting question:
Is our personal freedom more important then the future welfare of the human race?
Yes I said blessing. We all must die of something. This disease is more preventable than cancer or others that take millions of innocent children each year. Each death affects someone... a family member... a friend... and each situation is uniquely tragic. BUT... we all must die someday. Maybe nature is telling us something by producing this incurable disease?
I stand by my opinion that we cannot attempt to control the breeding rights of humans though... that is far too invasive and I hope that government never has that kind of power.
I'm sure there'll be another sars around the corner though. That may be one of the dangers of curtailing population growth. Another problem is the ageing of the population, which causes welfare/tax problems, so cutting birth rates would only worsen that problem.
I don't believe the world's population ever get to 10 billion. There's quite a few studies which indicate that already the birth rate is decreasing. I read a book which convincingly argued that by 2150 the population could be around 1.5 billion again and 2050 would be the peak.
Josh, I think the reason people may have got angry with you in the thread is as Clara pointed out, your opinions tend to conflict and seem a bit half baked. Maybe you should spend a bit longer formulating them before throwing them out, although putting them up for discussion is also a good way to test drive them i guess.