Okay time for the weekly movie reviews.
- Cold Mountain: Like so many other movies I have reviewed, it is chessy and predictable. The whole movie is about love at first sight. Guy meets women and falls in love. He then leaves to go to war. She asks him to come home to her and he goes A.W.O.L and makes his way back to her. They have one really hot night of sex and then the guy gets killed the next morning. GOD DAMNIT this movie is two + hours of BORING, I was so fucking glad he died in the end. If I had to live through another happy ending I would jump off a fucking cliff. Nothing to do with love ends happy, so why should a movie.
*3/4 and a
- La Sentinelle: French Thiller about a guy who finds a mummified head in his suitcase. He spends the entire movie trying to find out who the head belongs to and why it was put in his suitcase. I think it lost something in translation because the side stories made very little sense and during the big conpiracy ending the actors seem more excited then the subtitles made it out to be. But regardless this movie was 2 1/2 hours long and could have been over in 1 1/2 hours. The movie was fun like most french cinema so I give it a
- The Eye: Japanese Horror flick. Girl is bind and gets a eye transplant. The eyes work but she starts seeing dead people. I know it sound familiar, but it isn't that piece of crap american movie whose name I can't think of. This movie is what american horror use to be and what the Japanese now rule the world at. Great suspense with a good believable story. It is the best movie I have seen in several months!!
- Bowling for Columbine: Not actually a movie, more a documentary but it is essential everyone sees it. It analyzes American societies violent nature and dependency on guns. Michael Moore rules!!
29 days till I move into my new place. I can't wait. I have a special political statement planned for the 4th and I am hoping to get alot of heat for it. So drop back by my journal on the 4th or 5th.
I have an idea that I am looking to get a lot of discussion out of so please pop by the forum and give your ideas on this question: Is Mankind Inheritly Selfish?
- Cold Mountain: Like so many other movies I have reviewed, it is chessy and predictable. The whole movie is about love at first sight. Guy meets women and falls in love. He then leaves to go to war. She asks him to come home to her and he goes A.W.O.L and makes his way back to her. They have one really hot night of sex and then the guy gets killed the next morning. GOD DAMNIT this movie is two + hours of BORING, I was so fucking glad he died in the end. If I had to live through another happy ending I would jump off a fucking cliff. Nothing to do with love ends happy, so why should a movie.
*3/4 and a

- La Sentinelle: French Thiller about a guy who finds a mummified head in his suitcase. He spends the entire movie trying to find out who the head belongs to and why it was put in his suitcase. I think it lost something in translation because the side stories made very little sense and during the big conpiracy ending the actors seem more excited then the subtitles made it out to be. But regardless this movie was 2 1/2 hours long and could have been over in 1 1/2 hours. The movie was fun like most french cinema so I give it a
- The Eye: Japanese Horror flick. Girl is bind and gets a eye transplant. The eyes work but she starts seeing dead people. I know it sound familiar, but it isn't that piece of crap american movie whose name I can't think of. This movie is what american horror use to be and what the Japanese now rule the world at. Great suspense with a good believable story. It is the best movie I have seen in several months!!
- Bowling for Columbine: Not actually a movie, more a documentary but it is essential everyone sees it. It analyzes American societies violent nature and dependency on guns. Michael Moore rules!!
29 days till I move into my new place. I can't wait. I have a special political statement planned for the 4th and I am hoping to get alot of heat for it. So drop back by my journal on the 4th or 5th.
I have an idea that I am looking to get a lot of discussion out of so please pop by the forum and give your ideas on this question: Is Mankind Inheritly Selfish?
where are you moving too?
Having grown up in Littleton, Bowling for Columbine was extremely insightful. It completely chaged the way I look at the town in which I grew up. He's a God, isn't he?