Dear Little Josh,
Don't worry so much about your weight when you are young. Enjoy your youth. Girlfriends are highly overrated and it is better to be alone then to change yourself for some woman.
Always remember what is important to you. You are one of the best soccer players in TN don't let the mayor keeping you off the traveling team force you to give it up.
You are a genius with a 182iq, knowledge is the utlimate power and when you are my age you will wish you knew so much more. School is greatly important so study hard and ignore anything that distracts you.
You love playing baseball more then life. You have the potential to be a great pitcher. Ignore the drugs, women and bad influences that will provent you from becoming that great pitcher.
Don't be scared off by what your friends say about Amber Hill. She is a really sweet girl and it doesn't matter that she isn't a virgin. Don't be so affraid of sex and it is a fun thing, just make sure to use protection. Amber is a perfect person to lose your virginity to, you should try not to fall in love. Being in love at such a young age will only make for problems in the future.
I know that you feel sufficated by your parents enforcing their religious beliefs on you. You feel like rebeling against everything. Understand that your parents only want what is best for you. When you are my age you won't even believe in the god of the bible, so don't try so hard to protend you are like all those religious people. And when you meet Melisha at church, just be friends with her. Don't follow your friend Shauns advice and start to date her. She is exactly what you don't want.
Stay away from the angry rap music. It will only cause you to be angry and miserable. Keep listening to Posion and Motley crue and don't be affraid to like The Smashing Pumpkins and Bush. They will make life seem so much easier to live.
Don't run away from home, it will only cause you problems and the judge will force you to get a job when you are too young to have one. Don't take that job at Arbys when you are 15. It will take away your childhood.
When you go to college the year after you graduate from high school stay with it. College is very important. And whatever you do, don't join the military. It will cause you to have horrible nightmares and send you into a major depression.
If you follow my advice you will have a great life ahead of you. Good luck!!
- The JOSH
Don't worry so much about your weight when you are young. Enjoy your youth. Girlfriends are highly overrated and it is better to be alone then to change yourself for some woman.
Always remember what is important to you. You are one of the best soccer players in TN don't let the mayor keeping you off the traveling team force you to give it up.
You are a genius with a 182iq, knowledge is the utlimate power and when you are my age you will wish you knew so much more. School is greatly important so study hard and ignore anything that distracts you.
You love playing baseball more then life. You have the potential to be a great pitcher. Ignore the drugs, women and bad influences that will provent you from becoming that great pitcher.
Don't be scared off by what your friends say about Amber Hill. She is a really sweet girl and it doesn't matter that she isn't a virgin. Don't be so affraid of sex and it is a fun thing, just make sure to use protection. Amber is a perfect person to lose your virginity to, you should try not to fall in love. Being in love at such a young age will only make for problems in the future.
I know that you feel sufficated by your parents enforcing their religious beliefs on you. You feel like rebeling against everything. Understand that your parents only want what is best for you. When you are my age you won't even believe in the god of the bible, so don't try so hard to protend you are like all those religious people. And when you meet Melisha at church, just be friends with her. Don't follow your friend Shauns advice and start to date her. She is exactly what you don't want.
Stay away from the angry rap music. It will only cause you to be angry and miserable. Keep listening to Posion and Motley crue and don't be affraid to like The Smashing Pumpkins and Bush. They will make life seem so much easier to live.
Don't run away from home, it will only cause you problems and the judge will force you to get a job when you are too young to have one. Don't take that job at Arbys when you are 15. It will take away your childhood.
When you go to college the year after you graduate from high school stay with it. College is very important. And whatever you do, don't join the military. It will cause you to have horrible nightmares and send you into a major depression.
If you follow my advice you will have a great life ahead of you. Good luck!!

- The JOSH
I've been reading all the letters to the younger versions of themselves popping all over this site. People get very personal in these things. It really ripps open a wound, doesn't it?
Maybe we shouldn't be looking back, though. Perhaps we should look foward, imagine we're 40 years old, and think, well, what would the 40 year old me want me to do? Write it down.
The 40 year old me would want me to stay in school, work and study hard, start a good career, make some money, and be happy. He would tell me to cut the bullshit lamenting and get over it. He'd say "so you spent ten years in a pit of despair, get on with it! Get a life." He'd have no time for my boohoo-ing. He'd be pissed that I wasted so much of his adult life being sad, and not enough building a happy and dynamic life.
So maybe we should all honor the wishes of who we will eventually become twenty years from now. It's definitely time to quit living in the past and start existing in the NOW.
Anyone know Lydia's phone number? Haha, just kidding.