I have more juicy info on my friends divorce.
First Shuan got alot of pictures in the mail from somebody who hasn't came forward, showing his wife drinking out of beer bong, making out and flashing various guys.
My friend Shaun had bought a piece-of-junk car for his wife to drive around in. The car starts to over heat and his soon to be divorced wife, Tonya, begs him to come get it and get it fixed. He goes over there to get the car and is confronted with Tonya and her friend Karen hurling insults at him.
Karen says, "...your an asshole and we hate you so leave. Tonya doesn't need you to take care of her anymore, because I will take care of her." (LOL!! That is funny on so many levels.
Anyway Shaun says, "... if you are going to be like that and bring me over here just to hurl insults at me. So you don't need me or anything of mine, because Karen is taking care of you?"
Tonya replies, "Thats what she said you fucking asshole."
"Fine then give me the keys, I am taking MY CAR...," Shaun says.
Tonya throws the keys at him really hard, hitting him in the neck. (which he had a bruise today from)
Wait it isn't over....
This morning Shaun drops his kid off at daycare and Tonya calls him all apologizing for the things she said. They trade text messages until around 10:30am and then Tonya turned her phone off. Tonya kept it off till around 3:45pm when Shaun got off work. She then calls Shaun and tells him not to worry about picking up his kid, because she had her mom pick the kid up at 10:00am.
According to the parenting plan currently in place Tonya has to tell Shaun where the kid is at all times. So Shaun asks, "where is my kid at?" Tonya says, "None of your business, so don't worry about it."
Shaun blew up
(as I am sure everyone would in this situation)!!
Tonya had had her own kid kidnapped. Shaun hung up on her after throwing out some well deserved obsenities. He then called his lawyer. The lawyer had been sitting on a restraining order, which would prohibit Tonya for seeing the kid for 30 days and at the end of the 30 days Tonya could only see the kid for 30 supervised minutes a week. Until the custody hearing was done.
Shaun was trying to be nice and let Tonya see her kid, but Tonya had to forced his hand. Wednesday the restraining order will be served and if Tonya and/or Tonya's mom refuse to give up the kid to Shaun, they will go to jail.

First Shuan got alot of pictures in the mail from somebody who hasn't came forward, showing his wife drinking out of beer bong, making out and flashing various guys.
My friend Shaun had bought a piece-of-junk car for his wife to drive around in. The car starts to over heat and his soon to be divorced wife, Tonya, begs him to come get it and get it fixed. He goes over there to get the car and is confronted with Tonya and her friend Karen hurling insults at him.
Karen says, "...your an asshole and we hate you so leave. Tonya doesn't need you to take care of her anymore, because I will take care of her." (LOL!! That is funny on so many levels.

Anyway Shaun says, "... if you are going to be like that and bring me over here just to hurl insults at me. So you don't need me or anything of mine, because Karen is taking care of you?"
Tonya replies, "Thats what she said you fucking asshole."
"Fine then give me the keys, I am taking MY CAR...," Shaun says.
Tonya throws the keys at him really hard, hitting him in the neck. (which he had a bruise today from)
Wait it isn't over....
This morning Shaun drops his kid off at daycare and Tonya calls him all apologizing for the things she said. They trade text messages until around 10:30am and then Tonya turned her phone off. Tonya kept it off till around 3:45pm when Shaun got off work. She then calls Shaun and tells him not to worry about picking up his kid, because she had her mom pick the kid up at 10:00am.
According to the parenting plan currently in place Tonya has to tell Shaun where the kid is at all times. So Shaun asks, "where is my kid at?" Tonya says, "None of your business, so don't worry about it."
Shaun blew up

Tonya had had her own kid kidnapped. Shaun hung up on her after throwing out some well deserved obsenities. He then called his lawyer. The lawyer had been sitting on a restraining order, which would prohibit Tonya for seeing the kid for 30 days and at the end of the 30 days Tonya could only see the kid for 30 supervised minutes a week. Until the custody hearing was done.
Shaun was trying to be nice and let Tonya see her kid, but Tonya had to forced his hand. Wednesday the restraining order will be served and if Tonya and/or Tonya's mom refuse to give up the kid to Shaun, they will go to jail.

A Tale of Two Sisters
Guinea Pig 3: He Never Dies
Juon: The Grudge
Suicide Circle
I found all of these titles through Snowblood Apple, and they all got good reviews (basically) so I'm pretty psyched to watch them (esp. Kairo and Suicide Circle).