Damn man... either you must pray a lot or you must have a lot of females calling for God on your behalf
I agree that Kerry is the choice this year. Bush has been pissing me off with his lies WAYYY before Iraq and 9-11 (probably since Cheney and his Enron links) and he has given me no reason to think he'll change a thing.
Health care is definitely an issue that needs to be addressed, so I'm right there with you on that one. It also happens to go hand in hand with the college tuitions for me, since I'm a poor college kid and all. I'm paying so much for school that I have to survive on financial aid, a part time job, and state health care that took me 4 months to get, and yet illegal immigrants can be granted it the same day. For that reason and many more, I would say immigration is perhaps our biggest issue. If we cut back on the services that we provide for illegals, we could easily afford the steps needed to prevent them from entering our country in the first place. I happen to live in a border state where we spend over $200 million a year on just education and housing for illegals! Also as I mentioned they can get public assistance immediately, yet it's illegal for cops, school officials, or Economic Security officials to report illegals to the Department of Immigration. To make it even better... Bush wants to give any that want to work here in America work visas, so that they can work here and send their money back to Mexico for their families. Here in AZ, a ton of immigrants have been captured and when asked why they came, they mentioned that they thought they had immunity because of what Bush was doing!!!
Not to say that Kerry doesn't have his problems as well, but frankly he's the only hope we have. The main thing I've read about him is that he is somewhat anti pro-choice. Also he's been known to waver on a lot of key issues. I think if he goes with McCain as VP, there might be a good chance that he'll be overshadowed by his running mate.
A vote for Nader is a vote for ignorance in my opinion, because there is no logical way that he has a chance to win *not likely to pull a Ventura* so essentially people are using votes that could be going to Kerry. If Nader didn't run in 2000, assuming 70% or so of the people who voted for him had voted for Gore, we never would have had to deal with Bush in the first place! I just hope people have learned there lesson this time.
So... yeah... enough political ramble for one evening!
I agree that Kerry is the choice this year. Bush has been pissing me off with his lies WAYYY before Iraq and 9-11 (probably since Cheney and his Enron links) and he has given me no reason to think he'll change a thing.
Health care is definitely an issue that needs to be addressed, so I'm right there with you on that one. It also happens to go hand in hand with the college tuitions for me, since I'm a poor college kid and all. I'm paying so much for school that I have to survive on financial aid, a part time job, and state health care that took me 4 months to get, and yet illegal immigrants can be granted it the same day. For that reason and many more, I would say immigration is perhaps our biggest issue. If we cut back on the services that we provide for illegals, we could easily afford the steps needed to prevent them from entering our country in the first place. I happen to live in a border state where we spend over $200 million a year on just education and housing for illegals! Also as I mentioned they can get public assistance immediately, yet it's illegal for cops, school officials, or Economic Security officials to report illegals to the Department of Immigration. To make it even better... Bush wants to give any that want to work here in America work visas, so that they can work here and send their money back to Mexico for their families. Here in AZ, a ton of immigrants have been captured and when asked why they came, they mentioned that they thought they had immunity because of what Bush was doing!!!
Not to say that Kerry doesn't have his problems as well, but frankly he's the only hope we have. The main thing I've read about him is that he is somewhat anti pro-choice. Also he's been known to waver on a lot of key issues. I think if he goes with McCain as VP, there might be a good chance that he'll be overshadowed by his running mate.
A vote for Nader is a vote for ignorance in my opinion, because there is no logical way that he has a chance to win *not likely to pull a Ventura* so essentially people are using votes that could be going to Kerry. If Nader didn't run in 2000, assuming 70% or so of the people who voted for him had voted for Gore, we never would have had to deal with Bush in the first place! I just hope people have learned there lesson this time.
So... yeah... enough political ramble for one evening!