I took my last exam today. I am happy that the semester is over, but I have no clue what I am going to do over the summer. May go on a short vacation or something, but I doubt I will have the money.
I watched the video on Nick Berg getting his head cut off. That was some sick shit!! I am glad the quality on the video was bad and I really couldn't make out the blood, otherwise I would have lost my lunch.
I agree with Nick Berg's parents and think that Bush should be held accountable for it. As well as all the American deaths in Iraq and all the deaths to come. After all he lied to get them over there. Can you say War Criminal!!
We are going to be paying for our time in Iraq for years. We are making more terrorists everyday and one of them will find a nucleur bomb and make everyone pay!!
We should completely get out of the middle east and let them kill themselves off. And when they are too weak to even raise a gun, we help them rebuild at most. Fact is we wouldn't care about the middle east if it wasn't for oil and Israel. We could sieze the oil if we needed to, but Israel is the main reason (Revelations). DAMN CHRISTIANS.
I watched the video on Nick Berg getting his head cut off. That was some sick shit!! I am glad the quality on the video was bad and I really couldn't make out the blood, otherwise I would have lost my lunch.
I agree with Nick Berg's parents and think that Bush should be held accountable for it. As well as all the American deaths in Iraq and all the deaths to come. After all he lied to get them over there. Can you say War Criminal!!
We are going to be paying for our time in Iraq for years. We are making more terrorists everyday and one of them will find a nucleur bomb and make everyone pay!!
We should completely get out of the middle east and let them kill themselves off. And when they are too weak to even raise a gun, we help them rebuild at most. Fact is we wouldn't care about the middle east if it wasn't for oil and Israel. We could sieze the oil if we needed to, but Israel is the main reason (Revelations). DAMN CHRISTIANS.