oh shit. l.a. people, you are very lucky. not only is the sun shining all the time on all you beautiful people, but you also get this coming to your town.

oh, and you also have saladang, which is my favorite thai restaurant in the world, even if you have to go to pasadena to get there.

oh, and there's also the beach and the...
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i wholly disagree kemosabe. i got a a good l.a. crew, but i can't bear to go visit them b/c l.a. blows ass from top to bottom. even when i've been drunk and getting laid in l.a., it still sucked. it's a kmart with hookers.

what kinda job you got lets you drink bloody mary's on the clock?
got clipped on the bike the other day and now my lip is all purple and swollen and bloody. worst part is that it happened friday evening outside of the record store (where i thought i may have seen a certain suicide girl, but i'm not not positive), and two of my records cracked. i miss those much more than i miss that chunk of...
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dude, that is wack as hell, i'm sorry you got hit.

but on a brighter note i got the package today, then promptly shit my pants with gleeeeeeee
re: the bike. remember that car. there is only one possible recourse. sweet sweet revenge.

re: the ink. anil gupta lives right down the street and is a god among men. lucky you for having some of his work.
again, with the dreams where all the furniture looks like moths and insects. creepy. what the fuck is that about? this is what i'm wondering as i'm typing this. moths, insects...not my favorite things in the world, but i don't hate them. i just don't think about them ever. but the past few nights, they've been the overpowering presence in my dreams. again: wtf?

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lying down is my new shit. i'm all about lying down in 2004.

laziness is the new love.

why is it so hard to find a pressure washer and an exposure table in this town?

i had dreams of furniture and stone last night. everyone was made of stone...all the food was shaped the same but made out of stone. and everyone was in crazy...
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i was drunk enough this weekend to take photobooth pictures weraing nothing but a hat and scarf. wow. so funny. going to try and put them up sometime soon.

i feel like i haven't slept in weeks. oh, and how incredible is the shedd aquarium? fucking amazing.

also, interesting thing that's happening today: check out this site.

good night.
90 Day Men album release @ the bottle tonight. be there.
shit. missed it. shit.
you know, for your average penguin from the arctic ocean, chicago is a really moderate climate. that's how i'm choosing to look at it, rather than looking at it as a place so cold that my eyelashes freeze together while i ride my bike.

This is my favorite site of the day (and a lot of other days, too).

Valentine's Day blows ass. It's just...
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is there anything better than hearing someone with a beautiful voice singing outside your window as she's walking down the street? jesus, it's 10 fucking degrees outside, I'm smoking a cigarette out the window and this lady walks by, singing like it's summertime on the beach. killer voice, too...totally comforting....like if warm cookies, clean sheets and tea all learned how to sing, they'd totally sound...
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TopTen Things I Love About Chicago (in no particular order):

1.Struggle Inc
2. photo booths in multiple bars that i frequent
3. sultan's market / handlebar
4. MCA / AIC (only on days that it's free)
5. The "Fuck You In The Ear" ping-pong table.
6. Village
7. Rodan
8. Music Box
9. Signature Room (only kind of...and only on dates)
10. midwestern people....
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i hate football. and i don't really like tv (except for the simple life, ifc and the food network), but it's things like this that make tv worth watching, no?

wish i had more interesting / funny things to say, but i can't feel my toes. in the meantime, you should really check out this site where a friend of mine has a poster for...
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where are you deejaying again?
so i was at the used bookstore last night, and for some reason they had gotten a whole bunch of super old taxidermy manuals in. i only slept three hours last night, and now i'm fairly comfortable in my ability to kill, stuff, style and mount your average deer or otter. not that i ever would, but it's a good skill to have, no? like...
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you must have been really bored in order to read a taxidermy manual! but hey, you never know when you might need to have the knowledge to "stuff an ass"!
hehehehehe! a bug! hahahaha.


dj-ing in chicago eh?
just saw the Wolf Eyes dvd. ho....lee....pschidt, is it good.

i spent the entire day yesterday with a migraine that i thought was going to kill me. if there was any light in the room, it felt like a bunch of 2-ton evil bunnies were jumping on my brains. i ended up lying down naked in my bathtub (which was empty) with a glass of...
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