time to rock. clovertown express. six organs of dismissal. ribs cracked. bones snapped. getting jumped into godd's gang. mauve. jackal. crack face.

never ever go home.
happpy birthday smile x
ok, so back on the site. i can't even remember who i used to talk to on here. i know i used to talk to katie because i sent her a charles bronson record, but other than that, i'm clueless. and drunk. and bored. god loves the rainbo, though.
1. this site
2. saladang in pasadena (best thai in l.a.)
3. la pasadita
4. prizes
5.this album
6.this label
7. falafel cobmo plates
8. paint drips
9. earache reissue series
10. full bellies and foot rubs.

i am so bored that it's hurting my eyes.
tell me more about this local party you throw...
round two of my favorite bar game last night (the "switch your identity every time you talk to someone new" game). i totally lost. i was giggling like a little bitch everytime i talked to someone. totally couldn't keep a straight face.

in other news, check this out. buy the new japanther record. it's so fun that it will make you go out and join...
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a night filled with boomshots. blood coming from deep ass scratches on my back. blood all over my sheets. tequila. cigarettes. more tequila, then whiskey. then passing out while she told me something really deep and really personal. apologizing. tears (hers). more playing. soft touches. cigarettes. leaning out my window heckling all the people leaving the bar downstairs. looking through my Francis Bacon book. water....
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i played my favorite bar game last night. it's playing a different character every time you talk to someone, and you can't be the same person twice, and you have make up a completely different life for yourself as you're talking to them. last night, i was paul, a law school dropout who now manages his own mail order porn company, then i was caleb,...
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SXSW fucking killed shit. so much fun. met a few of you, and there were a few SG girls in the house for a minute. i think i was drunk for 72 hours.

so not only do i get a dog in a few months, but i get the raddest dog that god farted down on this planet. my friend is going to costa rica...
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just in case you missed it, for those going to SXSW, peep our showcase:

BIZ 3 PUBLICITY with VICE present...
Thursday March 18 at Emo's main room (603 Red River, Austin, TX)

8:00 p.m. Diverse (Chocolate Industries)
8:30 p.m. Vast Aire (Chocolate Industries)
9:00 p.m. Beans (Warp Records)
9:30 p.m. Jean Grae (Babygrande)
10:00 p.m. The Perceptionists (Mr. Lif, Akrobatik, Fakts One) (Definitive Jux)
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all work and no play makes ben a....
(a gold star to whoever finishes the sentence from one of the best flicks ever).