seoul is fucking hot. and humid. i'm pretending to work. and i'm convinced my kids teach me swear words.

and i just realized today that this may be the first time in my life i've never been subject to constant advertising: i have no tv, no magazines, don't listen to the radio and can't read any print adds cause they're all in hangul script. damn....
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dia...conceived in india and now dream of going there...that's almost eerie, as i have no idea why i figured you'd like to go on a date there. you should just go. in about a year when my contract here in korea is up i'll be driving a motorcyle across india for 6 months, if ya wanna take me up on the date offer...i'm clean, well-behaved and know how to decipher the ubiquitous indian head bobble. that's serious inside knowledge.

regardless, get your ass to india!
goatlove...cool to know that you've been to india...how did you like it? bit of a mind fuck...not much can prepare a person for it. gets under your skin though...which is why i have to go back. as for autorickshaws blaring ricky martin...hahaha...i know exactly what you're talking about. for me, the big laugh was being in burma where they take popular shlock from the west, keep the music, translate the lyrics and sing it in bamar. was quite a shock the first time i heard bon jovi sung in another language. and dammit, i wanna know why the world loves bon jovi...i couldn't get away from that bastard!