"your plain fat woman is fine. fat women are like clouds in the sky. they're just floating there, nothing to do with me. but your young, beautiful, fat woman is another story. i am demanded to assume a posture toward her. i could end up sleeping with her. that is probably where all the confusion comes in.
"which is not to say that i have anything against fat women. confusion and repulsion are two different things. i've slept with fat women before and on the whole the experience wasn't bad. if your confusion leads in in the right direction the results can be uncommonly rewarding. but of course, things don't always take the right course. sex is an extgremely subtle undertaking, unlike going to the department store on sunday to buy a thermos. even among young, beautiful, fat women, there are distinctions to be made. fleshed out one way, they'll lead you in the right direction; fleshed out another way, they'll leave you lost, trivial, confused."
-haruki murakami, 'hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world'
"which is not to say that i have anything against fat women. confusion and repulsion are two different things. i've slept with fat women before and on the whole the experience wasn't bad. if your confusion leads in in the right direction the results can be uncommonly rewarding. but of course, things don't always take the right course. sex is an extgremely subtle undertaking, unlike going to the department store on sunday to buy a thermos. even among young, beautiful, fat women, there are distinctions to be made. fleshed out one way, they'll lead you in the right direction; fleshed out another way, they'll leave you lost, trivial, confused."
-haruki murakami, 'hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world'

bonjour monsieur. . . i am congesting your commentz page... je suis dsole. . . ou est-ce que vous allez?